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Sunday, May 19, 2024

May 19, 2024

One year ago today: May 19, 2023, most are named Gary.
Five years ago today: May 19, 2019, worthless as a MicroSoft update.
Nine years ago today: May 19, 2015, one Chimay.
Random years ago today: May 19, 2007, page after page.

           This cabin is 110 miles away from Nashville, getting past my 40 mile filter on this search. However, I threw in a lowball offer of $25,000 and in over a month they have not said no yet. That’s around half price, and it is a one room cabin that needs work on the floor. They won’t get $70,000 for it. Fully serviced, on two unrestricted lots, this is near Crossville on a gravel road. This land tends to hold its value and that is what I’d buy the place for. Good morning, let’s sell some vacuum tubes. The big shop is closing and he’s going to need help getting rid of a ton of that stock. I could not sell a fraction of it working full time. I’m more interested in a place to let the dogs run free. But, for now, let’s focus on tubes. I plan to post the first sales tomorrow morning, screw eBay and their crazy conditions.
           Later, I see a rash of these properties as far away as Sweetwater, which turns out is not the same Sweetwater I though t had the big music store. But what do I know or care about anything in the Atlantic northeast. Some real estate a-hole is posting properties in the wrong zip code. There’s always one. By the way, the US national debt is now growing faster than the economy.

           The squirrels are raiding the feeders again, they leap from nearby branches and land on the wire cages. This defeats the baffles, but the sound attracts my attention and makes them good targets. I have several choices here and a good slingshot is on the list. And by later today we have the pilot model. This one already needs new tubing. To get the ends really tied right, I had to double the material back on itself, leaving it just a few inches too short. But this is your Mark 1, shown with a patch of recycled glove leather. Leave no evidence, the ammo for this rig is ice cubes.
           I had an hour to look at my amp circuit, which does not work. All the connections are good, but it does not amplify. I found one design flaw in the circuit diagram. It would not affect the sound, it’s a path whereby a short could occur if the 5kW potentiometer is turned below 330Ws. I’ll correct that shortly. Buy why doesn’t my first wee amplifier do anything? At the rate I’m moving, will I ever find out?

           Building a slingshot. It’s as easy as it looks but there is one spot to pay close attention. It is where the forward elastics attach to the prongs. For reasons unknown, this connection tends to come loose. I’m going to replace the inner tube ribbons with surgical tubing and devise a way to slip it over the tips. I’ve owned slingshots before. This is the first time I’ve made one. If there is a surge in demand near ballot drop boxes in Democrat ridings this November, I’ll be ready.
           The methods that failed attaching the elastic material are regular knots, wire-wrapping, and glue. The knots gradually relax themselves, and remember you are pulling the bands at eye-level. The wrapping, and I tried both wire and dental floss, bite into the material and begin cutting through. And glue, it either gets brittle, or it never completely dries. This is the data you just won’t be getting from other blogs, so go grab another of your favorite beverages and take an extra break. You tell them I said it was okay.

Picture of the day.
Proposed Strait of Messina bridge.
Remember to use BACK ARROW to return to blog.

           Listing on eBay is labor intensive, which I attribute to its design to match traditional selling. I spend many hours with the cheapest tubes today. If I make mistakes, those are the ones to practice on. It involves categorizing them by the bulk price listed on-line, them comparing each to what is selling on eBay. That’s where it becomes work. Their listing system is the old EBCDIC collating scheme that “alphabetizes” numbers. So 11 comes before 2. The page is designed to sell, so you cannot sort it to list your results and you must be careful to click on the right spot to return to top of the page, and so on.
I was able to create selling lists for $385 in two hours, so my cut of that is worthwhile. But the work is more than I planned. I’m learning better ways as we move along, but even in a market as vast as America, the demand sure seems small.
           Mostly I’ve learned the labor part of what’s put into this form of selling, something I’ve wondered about over the years. In this case, most of the time is taken finding out what you have. Since the boxes get moved around, the best way I know to get it kept in order is a database with “pages” that roughly match the amount of material shown here. They are sort of in order within the tray.

           Let’s see how the crazy country is faring. First a coffee, then we settle in. Trump just announced he will end property taxes. It will be a one-time tax, but he has not thought it through. Mind you, he just won the election several times over, but made some enemies that will never give up this fight. You see, if the land cannot be recycled in some way, ultimately a few of the ultra rich will wind up owning it all, just like England.
           It’s already tomorrow in Tokyo and silver has opened at $32.22. I wish there was some convenient way to know if that is metal or paper. I said convenient, guys. Has anyone noticed the pro-vax pushers have all disappeared from the media? Why the silence? In unrelated news, that CNN lady who kept blabbermouthing she was fully jabbed dropped dead in her front yard this morning. Due to climate change.

           I got an obscure notice from one of my banks saying their digital services agreement had been changed. Since banks never make changes in your favor, I read the details, it was mostly stuff like how your privacy means even less. But then the change they were trying to bury appeared near the end. You know ehn you cancel your membership at Sams and it takes three months before they stop taking the payments out of your account? I don’t know the implications, but there are some, the stop payment is no longer permanent. Now it expires after five years. Watch how quickly and quietly it becomes two months. Glide bombs (most of the functionality of a missile without the price tag) have now dropped in price to around $20,000 each.

           Silver has held above $30 per ounce and that’s making the physical metal almost impossible to find. Without a lot of detail, this is a level I read about just over ten years ago. Banks cannot afford to buy back their own silver at a higher price, you’ll have to research how that works. Banks keep the price low by swapping certificates. If the banks fear it will go higher and start buying physical instead of paper, we’re in for a big party. I’ve stated $100 per ounce would get me to sell, but to play it safe, I’ve recalculated my lowest price to be $87 per ounce. Few things would make me happier next week that a surge in that directions.
           Check back Monday morning to see if the banksters can hammer silver back below $30. From keeping an eye on them for years, I know their target price is $24 per ounce,. Those days are likely gone.

Last Laugh

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