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Monday, July 15, 2024

July 15, 2024

One year ago today: July 15, 2023, a long post, indeed.
Five years ago today: July 15, 2019, plumbing, mostly.
Nine years ago today: July 15, 2015, auction, my eye.
Random years ago today: July 15, 2009, what a slow day.

           And the cover-up shenanigans begin. Apple won’t unlock the shooter’s phone but somehow the Deep State is saying he acted alone. That phone lock is curious, Apple has unlocked them before, but somehow an assassination attempt on the leading candidate doesn’t meet their rules. Factoid, the government has that phone and they are erasing every possible link and connection. Here is a picture of the shooter on the roof, they knew he was there long in advance.
           My conclusion is that Trump has already won the election and does not need to be at these rallies now that the Left has played their hand. They’ve shown the world they are desperate killers and they will try again. There are huge questions how the shooter got on that roof that was flagged as a risk weeks earlier and why civilians who shouted warnings were ignored. There was an uproar how the SS (Secret Service) agents on stage were short, fat women who fumbled with their gear and did not adequately shield Trump. They weren’t tall enough.

           Poland has enabled border patrols to use live ammo, that is, to shoot any illegal crossers. The sad part is they waited until after one of their guards was killed by a spear thrown over the wire. America, by and large, would not object if they mowed down these invaders. Does that sound harsh? Well, those who sympathize with invaders are liberals, and liberals just took a shot at the President. That closed ranks in America, it is now them or us. And private citizens in America have 8 trillion rounds of ammunition.
           By noon, the mainstream media continues to run anti-Trump ads and is referring to the assassination attempt as a “rally incident”. Speaking of rallies, the MSM has never given Trump rallies full live coverage. Until this one.

           Still using the cloud? AT&T just had “nearly all” of their call and text records stolen. While that does not include names, there are dozens of way to find out who belongs to what phone number. Hell, call them and say, “Who’s this.” By now, the entire population of the USA has had it’s private data stolen twenty times over. Except for those who saw it coming.
           Here’s one for you. Soon after the shooting, Biden was quickly on the horn saying America has to unite to stop the violence. Ha, said America, good will never unite with evil. Shortly after that, the media was again alive, plastering all over the airwaves that Trump had given Biden a “two word” response. It’s a take on the old childish quip, “I’ve got two words for you and they ain’t ‘Merry Christmas’.” You have to read way down to the wee print at the bottom to find the two words. Trump had said, “Unite America”.
           This just in, the widow of the firefighter killed by the stray Trump bullet hung up on a staged sympathy call from Joe. Bruce Springsteen’s announcement he will leave the USA if Trump wins educed an amazing collection of suggestions what he could do with his guitar.

Picture of the day.
After a bomb cyclone.
Remember to use BACK ARROW to return to blog.

           Next problem is my bank. They not only refused my withdrawal (because it would have left a balance of less than $500, their minimum deposit), they also locked out my ATM functions. Here’s the details so you don’t get caught the same. This withdrawal would have left a balance of $422 in the account. The manager told me they can refuse that condition unless I have overdraft protection, which I don’t have and have never needed. So the bank is saying they consider anything less than their minimum balance to now be an overdraft. This time for sure, I will be closing that account, not that any place else is better, but I’ve had it with that bank.
           If you haven’t yet checked my blogs since the 9th, there are pictures of this terrible week. Google, like so many dupes in the past, is now trapped in a corner by their coders. Unless they hire back the people who mucked around at each stage, there is just too much code there to wipe out and start over. They shot themselves in the foot, like so many on-line entities, since their only solution is add more and more code, a quagmire Microsoft got into with Windows. Y’know, I doubt even the original coders could fix anything, since it is doubtful they could read their own work. Their task was to make it look like it was working, and that is a many-sided approach.
           I don’t have any good photos, so here is some fancy brickwork that caught my eye. Not that is a fence. It might have made pic of the day but I don’t link to Pinterest.

           Later, we have the money and screw the bank, I’m closing the account and using my considerable writing experience to put them on the spot. They screwed me around once to often and you do not pull fast ones on a man who can write. Around 1:30PM tomorrow, we are driving downtown to drop off his rent-a-car and then off to the car lot. I will never forgive the bank for this one, imagine, a bank manager lecturing me on how to handle money. I have an MBA, but maybe they think I don’t know how little losers like them get paid.
           You know who is going to get slammed hard? Knitting machine companies. I watched two demos a while ago of a flat bed knitting machine hacked by Becky Stern. A.I. is going to turn that industry into something unimaginable, or it will put itself out of business.

           A day indoors means the newsfeeds get checked on the hour. A.I. is supposed to have the power to persuade conspiracy theorists they are wrong, one guy say 82% of the time. Interesting, because they’ve been mostly right. I watched the background with the A.I. barraging the view with graphs and statistics. You are nto supposed to know the left is expert at manipulating those items. I suspect that, as in real life, the person is walking away and not at all persuaded.
           Nexstar, the pro-Biden media conglomerate, has downplayed the assassination attempt. Their cover phrase was “rally incident” but they were too slow. Social media had the word out within minutes. They have become ghoulish in their accusations, including statements that the shooter should have had better aim, and that Trump’s own rhetoric is at fault for the tense atmosphere. It’s insane, they are coughing up old narratives that have been debunked, saying Trump brought it on. Stormy Daniels, Russian collusion, liable for rape, 34 felonies, the whole nine yards that nobody believes any more. Well, except their die-hards.

Last Laugh