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Tuesday, July 23, 2024

July 23, 2024

One year ago today: July 23, 2023, now my favorite BB gun.
Five years ago today: July 23, 2019, the culprit.
Nine years ago today: July 23, 2015, it turns white.
Random years ago today: July 23, 2014, I saw nothing.

           Ah, nothing like waking up to find another sale before breakfast. Just don’t go thinking eBay is easy, it is more like a part-time job. You may set the hours, but not the deadlines. I have, a month gone by, some statistics—but keep in mind that is all they are. For the actual time spent on eBay filling the orders, the return averages a healthy $47 per hour. Until you factor in the time to create the orders, then it falls to around half, at $22 per hour. If you do this for a living, that is probably not enough. And when all time is accounted for, you are making less than $6 per hour. This did not stop a big breakfast of eggs and barbeque sausages over here. Hey, I earned it.
           What did I learn today? Some tubes end with the suffix GT, some have an A. Now I know. The GT means glass tube, because most are usually in a metal jacket. The A has no specific meaning but is usually taken to mean the tube as a controlled heater. That is, the heating element does not get a shock every time the unit is activated. I further learned there is a small steady demand for doll eyes, shown here next to some saurkraut which I don’t know why is in this picture. These are 22mm blue doll eyes.
           Chuck, the drummer guy. I thought he said Jack, it’s Chuck, and his license is suspended for six months. And you wonder why I’m suspicious whenever any Polk County musician suddenly becomes band-friendly. However, my rule is everybody gets an audition if they want, so it was supposed to be tomorrow, but he wants a week to practice up. That’s another thing. People who have not done their homework responding to “working band” messages. I still can’t place Chuck, but I have jammed with him somewhere, I think he was at the Chain, or at another place where I was auditioning my self.

           The shoe is now on the other foot. My philosophy of a core of two people is, and has been, paying dividends. It not only represents a core group to build on, it puts the brakes on the other guy multi-banding. He realizes they are a waste of time and that he is the outsider. The Prez & I, while not yet up to my standards, are a working group that now reserves all rights to the decisions we make. And one wise decision was my plan to play those old classics. At the gig last Friday, there is a crowd of younger people who show up after 8:00PM (the drinks are a dollar cheaper). They did not react to the “new” country material with any enthusiasm.
           It was the older crowd that was impressed enough to call us back. About a generation older than we are, they are more used to real bands, that is, live music with no tracks. I’ve gotten 100% positive feedback on that so far. And we remain the only duo in the area that does this, more so as a bass & acoustic show. It has the plusses, a unique sound, and I know there are no other bass players anywhere nearby who can copycat. This upcoming few weeks should bring about changes I’ve been hoping for.
           If I did not say, we’ve added four new tunes. One of them is “Margaritaville”, the other three are not. I have yet to hear the first hit song composed by A.I. Come to think of it, what happened with that? Have not heard much lately about the app that was supposed to take over the world. Could be it was not A.I. to start with, but I’m repeating myself. Possibly, like Biden, it has disappeared.

           How about that secret service fiasco, with their leader dodging questions and lying about what she does not know? How do these bland-looking overweight Karens ever get into administration when they can’t tell a big potato from a small potato? How about the farce with Kamela, as they shout vote for her because she is a woman. They can’t think of any other reason, I’ll bet. Funniest is the libtards who are saying she’s done an amazing job of overcoming all her opposition and won the endorsement through sheer hard work. A week ago, she was an embarrassment, today she’s the one going to beat Trump. Later, it was announced she resigned this morning. However, she lied under oath, let’s see how that plays out.
           Then there’s France, where women ten years ago could walk alone at night. Now they are being gang-raped by men of “African appearance” in broad daylight under the Eiffel Tower.

Picture of the day.
2017 Rolls-Royce Sweptail.
(Arround $13,000,000;)
Remember to use BACK ARROW to return to blog.

           A new distinctive chirp signals we have a new red cardinal visitor. It is a solitary juvenile male, with still-dark early bunting feathers. Feasting away, as I spilled a cup of seeds near the feeder. In another proof that people do not listen to warnings about computer security until it is too late. A trusted source contacts me this morning that her in-box is full. This is the gal who I explained years ago why she should delete her e-mails every couple of weeks. That means some unknown party now has the 500MB of files since 2018.
           There should be a photo showing the (censored) shipment packages for today. This is also bloggable because of the procedure. You see, if you use the post office packages, they get billed as Ground Advantage even if you turn them inside out. The full price is taken from your account. You can’t trick it by placing your own label with the correct postage. So, at the extra expense of 21¢ per package, the boxes are put into these manila envelopes.
           It’s a good thing I allow for this by using innocuous code words, names, and phrases for everything. They are the first people to bleat when they get snagged up in the system because they foolishly believe that only happens to bad guys. “Now, will you please email Eunice to pick up some celery, but no tomatoes. Make sure you email, Dahling, and not text, the dog is howling.” In equally relevant news, did you know the real reason on-line super heroes wear capes? To cover any hint of male buttocks. That’s how sick woketards have become.

           Next, Chuck the drummer called back. Dang, where do I know this guy from? I’ve jammed with this guy and he’s an old rock musician. But if you’ve not made it by age 40, do what I did and learn some other music. I imagine he must be pushing 80 by now and I think he was one of those who follow the bass player instead of laying down a solid, memorized beat. However, reliable musicians are so rare in Polk that I cannot turn down any potential. Because he might be the only potential. When I asked when he had last played in a proper band, he ducked the question.
           More rain, another inch this afternoon. I went out and checked the sheds and sure enough, there is a leak in the lean-to. Dang, I paid attention to that section because I knew the slope was a bit shallow. I’ll check it but that is a large piece of room to re-do, the usual remedy for multiple leaks. Indoors, I listeder $400 of tubes, now zeroing in on the expensive ones and listing the cheapo types in batches. It balances out, since eight or ten tubes require only one upload. I do not know if the prevalence of many tubes of one model is due to demand, bad sales, overproduction, or any other cause I’ve encountered yet.

           This is gossip next, but it blogs because we were led to believe something different. Recall the owner of the local brewery passed away while I was out of town? I never met her, but know her husband from gigging there. Small cities are not the best place to keep secrets. She was killed in a car accident. This is the gossip part because I heard it third-hand, her friend from Miami was up celebrating the opening of his own club, and they got roaring drunk as only pub owners can, proceeding to drive toward Winter Haven at 100 mph. Neither of the made it. It’s ap pity. She had a very nice reputation.

           I was surprised to find there are no common synonyms for the word “politics”. It must me that hard to confuse the word with anything else. There are terms that come close, but you’d rarely hear or read them. I’ll leave you with that for homework. There is also something new to ponder – the dozens of media personalities who stated the assassination attempt was a hoax. It seems the precedent of Alex Jones puts the penalty at $100 billion if they should sue. Do you think anybody would try? How about the fireman’s widow?
           Get a load of the shallowness of liberals. They banned Speedy Gonzalez from the media because he was a stereotype. Thousand of people protested, which as we know does no good, because liberals consider all their enemies to be racist. But wait, Speedy is back. Why did the libtards backpedal?? It seems the people who protested were Mexicans.
           Another afterthought today was the market flooded with ads that real estate has been deemed a good hedge against inflation. The snag there is nobody has the money to buy at current prices, much less the immediate future. And I would not plan anything longer term under the present climate. If you don’t or can’t flip it, the whole market is probably in chaos. The best option at this time is, to me, own a house you can use and live in, and wait and see for the next 120 days. You are gaining while not paying rising rent and if the Bidenistas do a Kennedy on Trump, paper gains will be taxed—putting you in the same boat as the farmers.
           That is, if you can’t pay the taxes because all your equity is tied up in the house or the land, you will be forced to sell and probably lose it all.

Last Laugh

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