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Friday, September 13, 2024

September 13, 2024

One year ago today: September 13, 2023, PA anniversary coincidence.
Five years ago today: September 13, 2019, old women & arrowheads.
Nine years ago today: September 13, 2015, more center slices.
Random years ago today: September 13, 2008, signmaker me.

           I[Author’s note: for those who believe in coincidences, this one is a doozie. The final step in blog posting is the Yesteryear links. So the bulk of the blog is complete and posted before I go grab the links. Imagine my surprise that exactly one year ago to the day I checked out the PA for the identical problem and found nothing.. How did the PA know to conk out in a way that I would take exactly 366 days to get there again?]

           Is the Gigrac a goner? This is the unit minus the casing. I was checking only for evidence of a short, such as aroma or scorching. Nothing. No visible damage usual means the power supply. That’s the one thing I don’t touch. I’ve read the theory and I cannot repair or replace these things. I’ve strictly a 5V man. I sent these photos to Lee in Tennessee, if anybody can repair this, he’s the guy.
           When I examined the power supply, it was something I had never seen or read about. Toroidal shaped. That is definitely on my “Do Not Touch” list. I don’t know if you can see it well, I’m pointing at wit with a yellow pencil It’s the only thing inside big and heavy enough to be the power supply. Have you ever seen anything of the kind? Here’s something else you have not seen. Freebird on bagpipes. (Yeah, I know, guys - what bagpipes?)

           We need $510 in air conditioners and another $329 for ceiling mounted space heaters. Why sudden. It isn’t, the front bedroom A/C got struck by lightning way last year, same with the kitchen unit last month or so. Now the overtaxed be office unit is on its last legs. It’s all explainable because I live alone (by choice). Why fix the front one when JZ is never going to show up? As for the others, alone means I can keep just the room I’m using comfortable. But since the kitchen konked out, I spend more time in the office, which is what spoiled that unit.
           The question remains, why now? Easy, November is coming and there are reports that the regime is paying landlords up to three times the rent to house illegals. Long-term White tenants are being evicted to make room. TMOR, I would take a moment to describe the situation so that you don’t conclude America is a crazy house. It works because it is free. Capitalism produces wealth and inherited wealth produces a complacent lazy middle class. After about three generations, they allow festering political policies to take over, but they don’t wake up until they are themselves afflicted.

           This is beginning to happen in Ohio. Hoards of illegal have been dumped on Springfield, where they have begun eating neighborhood cats and dogs. Even the wild geese in the parks are considered pets in America. Some Haitians cooked an eagle and had to be taken into protective custody. To those who say this sort of situation could never happen in your country, don’t tell us your problems. What’s happening here is because this is a free country. And an evil regime is fighting to cling onto power. Twenty years ago, the media could have hushed this all over, but now it is that dang Internet again, upsetting all the expensive plans.
           This is beginning to happen in Ohio. Hoards of illegal have been dumped on Springfield, where they have begun eating neighborhood cats and dogs. Even the wild geese in the parks are considered pets in America. Some Haitians cooked an eagle and had to be taken into protective custody. To those who say this sort of situation could never happen in your country, don’t tell us your problems. What’s happening here is because this is a free country. And an evil regime is fighting to cling onto power. Twenty years ago, the media could have hushed this all over, but now it is that dang Internet again, upsetting all the expensive plans.
           I ran the budget numbers early today. I do have to get those appliances. It is an established plan that this cabin can be half rented out by placing a patio door on the side of the building and a lock on the back bedroom door. This would allow complete sharing of the other room, since the office is down a narrow hallway. The estimated rent is $700 but it is unlikely I would rent to anyone I don’t know. Too may kooks out there with public defenders on their side.

           To put this into perspective, there are no rooms for rent in this city. Also, no hotels or taxicabs, and only one bus that runs only in the afternoons. Not at all illegal-immigrant friendly. The few apartments want two year leases or more. We have two trailer courts, one is super high end in a walled acreage with fountains and pools, the other is a kind of tiny Mexican settlement in the shadow of the freeway overpass. Neither allow rentals, for that matter, there isn’t even anything in the vicinity. The cheapest motel is in Lake Wales at $275 per week.
           This cabin would sport a private room with AC, fan, heater (you’ll need both), a yard view, parking, Internet, furnished, full use of kitchen, parking, full laundry (out covered deck) and even a private sink and locking cabinet in the bathroom. There are two people who would get it all for free and the other one is Taylor Swift. If I get started this morning, I need to put in another tube shelf in the silo. These are not my most exciting times.

           You want to know how slow things are around here these days? I’ll help by telling you this. One of the reasons I got the Hyundai cheap was that on hot muggy days like y’day, the front driver’s seat gets a pronounced “old lady” smell. I have a pint of industrial odor killer I’ve been meaning to apply and after getting in the van after it was parked in the sun at the museum for two hours, I am motivated. This is so non-exciting, I’ll glance at social media to see if anything there is upset again. Nope, even the radical left and ultra-right are taking the morning off.
           I’m struggling here. Caltier is still on pause, but the investment account is back to normal. Can’t add to Caltier, so Lofty is in the viewfinder again. Love the meme that the only people speaking up for the dying vaccinated are the unvaccinated. Aha, here’s an on-line test that says if I use these phrases, I am mentally strong. Here goes.
1. ‘I’m enough.’ I flunk that one, I’m more like the “plenty” type.
2. 'What possibilities does this setback present?' Nope, I’m more likely to minimize setbacks in the first place.
3. 'Am I letting myself dream big?' Not that high on my daily agenda.
4. 'What's the cost of indecision?' I ask that in advance, not afterwards.
5. 'Am I controlling the controllables?' If you could, you would not be asking.
6. 'I don't have to do this; I get to do this.' Spare me the pep talk.
           Bunk. That test was written by MicroSoft, methinks. According to them, I’m not up to snuff in the brain-thrust department. The solution, of course, is to help them write better tests, but why bother? The next test was even lamer. Did any parent ever say, “I’m increasing your allowance so you can guy anything you want.” Maybe in MicroSoftLand?

Picture of the day.
Greenwich Mean Time.
Remember to use BACK ARROW to return to blog.

           You know that practice guitar I had with the colored strings? I’ve discovered two things. One is that I’ll never play it and the other is that I have no tools in my shed that will cleanly cut the back place of a guitar. So I butchered it. Now we know exactly how an acoustic gets wired and there were no surprised. You got the pickup in the bridge runs over to a control box with a 9V battery, which outputs to a phono (1/4”) plug. That’s the wire I want to connect to the working part of the amplifier. That could be challenging. But if that empty space behind the strings of an acoustic bass is no good for sound, we’ll just find something that it is good for.
           I have my old Ampeg amp but that thing weighs 30 pounds. Here’s some photos of the process. Nothing is wired up yet, I’m still planning and checking connections. I will use the destroyed guitar body to find the best placement of the amp and speaker, the obvious spot is the sound hole but that would give away the game. It was a few hours in the shed so I talked with the neighbor and the tube guy. The neighbor likes to dine in restaurants and if I do, I’m no company except for the Reb. So I suggested to him we take in one of those line-dancing classes. He’ll meet fifty women who want dinner and a husband, like whatever.
           Here is a montage of the parts I’ll need for the stealth bass. I don’t know if these will work right, but they are well enough to test the concept. Left to right, this is the bolt-in pickup. With luck, it will work with bass as they work on a magnetic principle. Next is the slide controls normally mounted on the guitar case top, but I will relocate it to where it cannot be seen. Next photo is the open guitar body, showing the simplicity of the wiring – and plenty of space for a battery and speaker. The next photo is a closer view of the control box, and finally the reason this guitar failed. The pickup is inside the bridge and the whole assembly was held by only these two tiny screws, if you can even see them.

           The Democrats are lowering gas prices just prior to the election again, but this time it fools nobody. And this time they will have to nearly double the price after the election to make up for it. Almost the entire fluctuation in gas prices is due to government taxation. The tube guy, I forget which nickname I assigned him but I think it is Stewie, will have to hear out my plan as he knows the basics but not how the database works or my plan to give it exposure—and I’m hoping he can provide some input there.

           Taking a break, I’ve got another sale. Doll eyes. What’s this big deal with Campbell’s changing their name, these millennials must think it is a banner headline. Well, there you go, after 155 years the name is changed from “Campbell’s Soup” to just “Campbell’s. This is to be announced at the upcoming shareholders meeting, I hope they fastened their seatbelts. In case there is a rush for the exits, I mean.
           Later, the Gigrac is a clunker. A replacement unit is $200 plus about $100 for shipping, so it is not worthwhile to repair- and repaired PA systems are never really reliable again, unless you can also fix whatever caused the failure. If I’m to bother with any electronics, it will be an amp for the stealth bass. While looking for directions to remove the guitar back, I identified the make of the guitar I just cannibalized. It’s called a Glarry Student Guitar, retails for $89. Now I don’t feel bad at all.
           I believe I must hold some form of world record for unsuccessful on-line searches. I don’t mean finding things, I mean I regularly come up with topic that nobody on Earth has posted. Try to find the best way to remove the back plate of an acoustic guitar. I know they are glued and clamped in place, but am I the only person in the metaverse who every wanted to take the back off an acoustic guitar. I allow for the fact that maybe my search criteria is wrong for today’s algorithms, or that such sites have names unrelatable to reality.

           The Democrats are getting hysterical. They seem willing to start a nuclear war to stop the November election. They are down to their lowest level stunts, like passing bills that require proof of citizenship to vote—but only AFTER the election. I saw a list of 426 news articles saying Trump was rotten for saying things about HKs earpiece and the illegals eating pets. See the misdirection. They all said he is a terrible person, none of them say he is wrong.

           Having mentioned line dancing to the neighbor, I went on-line to find the free club in Auburndale, I mean, can you see me paying to dance? Bottom line, all the free classes are outdated, some of then showing events in 2017. And all the others are obvious sucker jobs to get you in to sell you a program. Gee, what would I know about that? Most use the terms “senior” and “single’ interchangeably.

Last Laugh