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Thursday, September 26, 2024

September 26, 2024

One year ago today: September 26, 2023, I don’t identify.
Five years ago today: September 26, 2019, banana chocolate.
Nine years ago today: September 26, 2015, a debt-driven industry.
Random years ago today: September 26, 2004, no apple.

           As of today, I’ve needed a new stove five years. What happened? Tennessee, that’s what. Rumor has it Zoomers are changing their alarm ring tunes to old Justin Bieber songs. This makes them get up five minutes earlier so they don’t have to listen to it. Silver eases toward $33 and we got 3/10ths of an inch or rain, hardly enough to qualify as weather. But a hundred year’s supply in the Atacama. France has vowed to begin throwing out illegals. Some dork tossed a bomb in a courtroom window, but it was expected. Only 40 days left to the election and the Ukraine thing has not distracted one single MAGA supporter. (For that matter, anyone around here who supports the war gets laughed at. This is Trump country.)
           The former head of the CDC has endorsed Trump. Wham, another tree branch just hit my roof. But I had all the big ones trimmed off, remember? All this while finding the stopwatch of my dreams, a Breitling. This one is in pristine condition, but it won’t be the one. They want $350 for it as a collector’s item. With use, it would get bumped around plenty and to me it is worth $60. For that same money, I want a digital that displays the date. That’s the date in England, not here.
           And you can quickly spend $1,000 on these watches, just search and weep. Who knows, then again. Silver just hit a ten year high at $32.40. Tell you what. If it hits $60, I’ll buy something like this. If it hits $100, time for that new transmission. If it hits $500, the doggies get a new back yard to play in. Which reminds me, old Sammy is just rather existing these days. Old guy has had a great life, between the Reb & I he has not been alone more than a few hours a week since 2018. I doubt he’ll see 2025.

           Later in the morning we got some wind. If you are new here, it is not the hurricane wind that wrecks your stuff, it is the water. Cooped up inside gave me time to work on the latest computer setup. The XP computer (refurbished) does not long on to the net directly, but through a Win 11 unit. Nowadays when you hear a company say software is no longer supported, it also means the AOLs are blocking it. That turned out to be so with XP. They claim it is vulnerable (not if you don’t log on to porn sites) but I cannot avoid concluding it is because XP cannot be easily tracked.

           How interesting, Texas has opened the first High School for adults. I used to work for continuing education and lamented that adults who fell behind could only attend night school—and the identical courses and teachers still mean no credits. I’ll try to follow this, but the expected attendance of 150 is already 700.
           I’ve finished “1421”, the book about the Chinese sailing around the world, the suddenly dropping out of the scene. The author has put forward some very convincing arguments and doubly so for me as he covers maps, navigation, and methods. He unknowingly fits a lot of pieces together from things I’ve wondered about. As an example, I knew the early explorers in Peru and California found Indian tribes who did not speak Chinese, but they understood it. The theory was they brought it with them across the Bering Strait. But that didn’t explain why these tribes were so isolated from each other.

Picture of the day.
Somewhere in Madagascar.
Remember to use BACK ARROW to return to blog.

           The town is shut down. When the wind hits 80mph, they close the bridges. I checked with the Legion, but the staff says they’ve had only four customers all day. If I didn’t say, last day when I stopped at the old club, I was the only customer. I know that Kooters is losing money. Inflation is normally a one-way process, but look how lumber fell in price after 2016. Nobody who bought any at that time could help but suspect the suppliers were colluding. Consumer report confirm they are resorting to their credit cards. However, that does not mean I support VISA, who is how under investigation, or Trump’s 10% interest cap. These borrowers must be made to suffer. Trust me, I know both sides of that fence.
           That used to be my secondary bird feeder. It’s made of metal, so it is repairable. I got some cracked flower pots and a real mess beside the laundry deck. The roof of that deck extends under the bigger trees on that side. Good thing I make that beast 1-foot on-center. I see a few of the limbs that just bounced off it. Good thing I tested the chain saw. The Norwegians have identified the East Indian who sold the exploding pagers.
           Remember when those Stinger missiles disappeared during the Afghan war against Russia? Seems they have been found in Iran. The Iranians know if Trump gets back in they will be stopped. I believe the missiles have code that will prevent them being used against Air Force One. On TikTok, recall we mentioned the A.I. translations of Hitler’s speeches? At least one version has hit a million views.

           The storm is now in Georgia. But not the political storm as Democrats begin to abandon ship at the upper echelons. The Zuck is claiming he is now a Libertarian, Kamela has been exposed lying about her ancestry, Pelosi definitely did some insider trading (dumping her VISA stock the day before the investigation was announced), and even the State Media shows the Democrats are buried at the polls.
           A former NY judge just shot himself as the FBI moved to arrest him on unspecified charges. I remind the reader, I do not support either party, but I’m great at rooting for the underdog. It has little to do with whether the underdog is right or wrong, unless it is somebody or something that represents an infringement on my lifestyle. Like, say, through inflation. Here’s a view of the cross street after I pulled all the big branches to the curb
           It’s hailed as an A.I. discovery, but I’m not so sure. To me it’s a demo of something computers have always been good at: unblinking attention to detail Return tomorrow for pics, but they have identified more figures at Nazca by the hundreds. There is something not right about the newer batches, a sort of consistency that should not be there. Kind of like somebody who read what they were supposed to look like and had a go at it.
Other than that, A.I. is mostly the nothing-burger predicted here long ago.
           It was so long ago, it is not entered into this blog, but I began warning people about products with proprietory batteries. Back in 1985 I meant cameras and computer gear, but the intent is universal. Why bring it up now? Well, you know all those handicapped people who spent money on exo-skeletons? Yep, they got zapped. In a great move, Zillow, the real estate biggie, will now begin including items in the listing such as wildfire risk, air quality, and the costs of insurance over time. Too bad it is under the banner of climate changed.

           Fat Bob Reiner, the actor who played Meathead on Archie Bunker, has said if Trump wins in November, he will set himself on fire. Not that people needed another reason to vote for Trump, but here are my favorite replies off
Bring marshmallows.
Will that be pay-per-view?
Grilled Meathead, better than domestic cats.
Hey, Bob, need a light?
           Then I surmised that was not a very long list, so I’ll do another. The article is titled, “The Dangerous Rise of Men Who Won’t Date Woke Women.” These are the best of 200+ replies.
Date them – just don’t marry them.
Woke women are like used shoes: worn, stretched out, and probably have a fungus.
American women are entitled, loud, and obnoxious, look outside the country.
The women are dangerous, not the men.
Real men have always disliked feminists.
It’s hard to imagine men don’t like angry blue-haired freaks.
Avoid woke women for the same reason you avoid lepers.
“Woke” is the social version of “Vaxxed”.
Last Laugh