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Wednesday, October 9, 2024

October 9, 2024

One year ago today: October 9, 2023, Columbus who?
Five years ago today: October 9, 2019, Lady Di, didn’t last.
Nine years ago today: October 9, 2015, reminded me of Julie.
Random years ago today: October 9, 2008, women would go there.

           Category 6? There is no Category 6, so they’ve invented one. That’s sustained winds of 200 mph or so. That will test the infrastructure. I don’t mean just the people who live in mobile homes on the coast, but the Demtard propaganda machine trying to blame it on Trump. It’s down to the wire and the regime is out of tricks, which I mention mainly because of their comic appeal. Paid rallies, staged interviews, and gossip campaigns. They can’t understand, Trump should be buried by now. The guy must seem superhuman to them. But the reason their skullduggery does not work is very simple: Trump is not an insider.
           So there, that’s my reaction to the overnight news. I took an hour off before dawn and listened to older Taylor Swift music. You know, I really don’t know even one of her tunes, it’s her rise to success that I admire. Otherwise, she’s a bit too mousy for me, but how could I not like her? At 16 she’s a blonde babe making the big bucks touring and playing guitar. What’s not to like and by that time she’s a millionaire, who gives a damn about her politics? If she’d stuck with country music, I’d be happier but then, would she be a billionaire?

           My earliest musical influences were The Beatles, The Archies, and Tommy James. Yes, The Archies in the comic book. That’s Tommy James and the Shondells. These people, to me, were bands, not individuals. Taylor is the opposite. When I saw this article about Taylor “before she was famous” I thought what, does that mean like when she was ten? Yes, it was, that’s her in this picture. I also first play music when I was ten (piano). While I followed Tommy James, I instantly saw the parallel with Taylor—I had long since noticed successful young people had highly supportive parents. That’s why this article got my attention. When I was 13, my parents bought a farm and turned me into a laborer. When Taylor was 13, her parents sold a farm to help pursue her musical career.
           And that was my early morning on this pre-Milton Wednesday. Coffee, oatmeal, a Taylor biography, and I cranked up some headphones to listen to “Mony Mony”. That was music I could grasp at the time, you could distinctly hear each instrument and that’s how I figured it out. I was on my own, so learning to play the music took considerably longer than it should have. Since I know what that takes, you can imagine how much I envy the kiddos who must have had a head start. Thank the hurricane if that’s what it takes to get me to remember my own history.
           Next question, how in blazes did Taylor Swift become an entity in my life? I don’t know. It was a long time ago and had to do with a series of stage jokes at the time. Like I said, I can’t name you even on of her songs. But she’s welcome to stay here until the hurricane blows over, but hurry. She’s pushing 35, isn’t she? After that, same as with all women in my life—your every tomorrow depends on today.

           It was something the size of a raccoon that was knocking over my birdbath. The deer cam did not catch them in the act but they traipse around the back yard at night. Soon as I can edit video, I’ll see about one scene of them walking down my own footpath single file at 2:00AM in the morning. The possum makes the rounds a while later. Shown here is the bowl of the birdbath on its side. That piece is heavy and I should not be lifting it. The question is how are they managing to tilt it without knocking over the pedestal. Deer cam to the rescue.

           The movie “2012”, all the things l like except divorced couple crap that’s been a Hollywood staple since the 90s. I just know there is some daredevil out there who has the cajones to pake a hit movie about a divorced couple where the man moves on to success after getting rid of the skank holding him back, screwing the mailman, cutting him off, and spending all his money. Instead, it is the ex-wife that hits the skids, you know much like real life. She goes through a string of losers, momma’s boys, and freeloaders. Enough of this fantasy that there is a pool of successful and handsome men out there wheo prefer to raise somebody else’s kids.
           Let’s check the news. It had to happen, some egghead study claims that getting up early is “rooted in White supremacy” and keeping regular hours is a hate crime. Peters, the grandmother who was sentenced to nine years for assisting an election fraud investigation kept a copy of the results. And has made them public before going to prison. Smooth. Another pilot has died suddenly in flight.

           At 9:50PM the electric went out. We are on GoalZero power with only two outlets, taken by this computer Good, this will finally test that unit to the limit. It has a display saying 9.2 hours to empty. But it is a millennial gauge, so we’ll see how long that lasts.The neighbor has a generator which he reports testing just yesterday. I should go check on him, however. Stand by. I have a tree limb blocking the shed. I crawled behind it to look over his back yard and his porch light is on. The wind is kicking ass every few minutes but it is not steady. The main power lines here are supposed to be triple-redundant but that shit never works right. Let me check if the Internet is working.
           Yes, we have contact. Landfall in Bradenton, with 300,000 without power so far (they predict 1.2 million soon. That means it is heading straight this direction.

Picture of the day.
Brugge, Belgium.
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           More experience with the game camera. Like most gadgets, I doubt people stray far from the factory settings. The manual is in English, but in misleading English. I set the unit up for 5 seconds between shots, the minimum. I figured that would give me a series of stills that I could time lapse. I got 200 clips. What could go wrong? Easy, I forgot to set the mode to stills, resulting in 200 ten-second video clips which are pretty much impossible to edit unless they can be concatenated into one long file. I’ll get to that. For new, here’s a couple still from those videos.
           This is the BOSS recorder, which I believe has some built-in drum beats. I’ve long since lost the power adaptor. I’m surprised it is in such good shape after eight years in the shed. In Florida, everything you don’t keep on a shelf inside your house eventually gets corroded.

           I believe I have the system figured out. The videos are reasonably good color under artificial color. If I can set the single frame to five seconds successfully, I will be motivated to get one of the 386 computers set up for ediring. That’s the last MicroSoft product that worked reasonably well with most software The hurricane so far is steady rain, so the neighbor and I voted unanimously to reschedule this weeks Festus Festival to 6:00PM this afternoon. Man, is it soggy out there.

           The deer camera is another fakeout with the AVI files this time. These pricks use some variant of the files and they will not play on my AVI software. I would enforce heavy fines on people who do this. If it is a standard and they change it, they should be held responsible. Usually you don’t find out until you play the file back and get a codec error message. That’s another thing I would outlaw. Selling you anything that requires a special codec. I would require them to print a warning label on the box, and complete instructions where and how to get the correct codec, which they are responsible for maintaining.
           There is a way to convert the deer cam AVIs to standard AVI, but all I’ve got connected is that MOVAVI software, which I will crack to get rid of the watermark. Is this stealing, is this piracy. No, because they advertise the software is free. It is not free, it is a seven-day trial. No, not a free trial, a seven-day trial. It isn’t even a real trial because is splashes a watermark across the screen. So, I accept only the part where they say it is free, because they are lying. No, I don’t care what is normal in their world, a lie is a lie.
           But how can they make any money? Easy, be honest. Tell people the price is $44.95 for the first year for a subscription only. They can up the price any time and sell your credit card information to anybody they please without your consent. You can be your own judge. If a crook advertises something for free and you take it for free, nothing has been stolen.

           Here’s another example of a still extracted from a video. This clarity is typical of avi resolution. Here I’m sanding pencil marks off the interior of the wood. The exterior gets the belt sander, the one donated by the club. During the setup the wind began picking up so wait a bit. This model of belt sander requires the plate to be moved upright and an entire back panel removed to change the belt. It’s a nice 36-inch belt but they vary slightly in size, so each change entails resetting the tension. Say, that wind is pretty bad. I boarded up the back windows to be safe. Then I baked a dozen muffins with extra chopped pecans. Hours later the place smells fantastic.

           That was Ray-B texting. He like the photo of the place, which I figure was once a coach house with servant quarters above. Same as me, he’d have no problem living there if it was his own. I’ll look again at places under $100k. I have no mercy for flippers who run low on cash and need to dump a place or two. I believe the minimum mortgage loan these days is $150,000 so if you want to sell something for less, you will have to find somebody with the cash. And I don’t like real estate speculators, though I would have few objections to being one. Hey, I’m not stupid. Zillow and Realtor are my primary sources, although both their websites are millennial-grade or lower. Worse feature? Home pages that go where they please. This morning, Zillow is stuck on Dana Point, CL and Realtor will not let you enter a minimum price below $50,000. Assholes, one by one, such people.
           Later, I see all the properties listed under $100,000 were all bought same day at roughly the same time. Nothing is left under $125,000 except mobile homes without the land. The ultimate Florida sucker job—unless you get out just in time like I did.

Last Laugh