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Monday, December 2, 2024

December 2, 2024

One year ago today: December 2, 2023, finally, a nationalist.
Five years ago today: December 2, 2019, screw that noise.
Nine years ago today: December 2, 2015, fastest rezoning ever.
Random years ago today: December 2, 2007, empty, but Spanish.

           Good morning as India and Russia complete a $4 billion arms deal without using the US dollar. This amplifies the ditching of the US dollar as international trade currency, a process immensely helped by the Democrats, who continue to loot the treasury. I, for one, support the confiscation of their ill-gotten gains and that's an issue that is brewing. Caltier remains late (again) with a payout. This one, their year-end, is also anniversary two of this investment. They have sold three major properties and paid out nearly a thousand bucks on this account this year. The funds remain paused without explanation but the payments continue. It means I'm less anxious that the normal "pause" situation as this one seems to be voluntary. I'm not expecting a big payout, as this year alone has seen 9.5% out of a total 14.2% since inception. But a big fat Xmas distribution would go a long way.
           This is a custom turtle habitat sold by Target. I was unaware until now that such items were for sale, but does everyone note how it is almost identical to JeePee's existing digs? That was total coincidence, he was in a glass terrarium when I got here back in 2017. I have long contemplated building him something to climb on as he definitely takes to 3D living. The brake on that is anything more in his terrarium makes it difficult to life out when it requires maintenance. The Rab has enough work to do. I found complete inserts that fit inside a 40-gallon aquarium, but it is obvious my box-building skills are at a stage where I can make something much more elaborate. I'm also complimented by how many features I figured out on my own that are present on expensive store-bought models. Chances are I will build sometthing with running water and a "turtle tower" at least sixteen feet tall. It is unlikely he's need a basking lamp in Florida. Odds are, except for an enclave, I would dispense with glass walls altogether. He would still require some form of accomodation for when I am here, something that does not take up half the window table.

           Letting the dog out back early sent me scurrying into the kitchen for hot drinks and a documentary on the upstairs computer, the warmest part of the house. There is a huge predicted rise in child mortality amongst those vaxxed, something normally directed by the parents. I was surprised to learn the highest recorded infant death rate was in midieval Japan, at 48% of those under seven. Trivia, around 30% of knights and nobles in the Dark and Middle Ages does om battle, apparently a higher ratio than the peasants who were obligated to take part.
           In my suggestion box, I have the address of the Willie Nelson general store, up on Briley Parkway. Still no word from the Reb, so I'm considering a look. Here's an item, that despite their open claims that the boycotts don't bother them, Coca-Cola, Budweiser, and Target are billions of dollars in debt to keep up appearances of business as normal. What isn't usual is the number of bands in mid-Florida seeking bass players. And more than a dozen clicks on my account for a female vocalist, but none have sent any email yet, the only way to contact me. It is hardly a kudo for my management skills that I have no clue what is causing this sudden rise in activity.

           In the news, people are furious about the Biden pardon. But that is not over, as such pardons only apply to Federal crimes. Most of what junior did was state or local. Resignations and early retirements are ramping up as career bureaucrats realize Trump really is in and the country is behind him. If Trump is wise, he will cut the pensions of any found guilty of violating the constitution. Even liberal polls show 64% of Americans see deportation as a priority. However, poll after poll word the question as deportation "to their country of origin". No way. That costs big money. Shunt them back across the Rio Grande.

Picture of the day.
The Whangamomona.
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           Knowing I cannot deal with the cold unless I bring in my winter gear, the Chooks and I rode the Hyundai out to McGavok to the Willie Nelson general store. There was a museum in the back but it was an extra $12.95 and I'm not that big a fan. Instead, we toured the area, where Chooks had to potty twice. It's the rich diet he gets when I'm here. The area, across from Opry Mills, shows signs of decline you would not expect in a tourist area. I nicely forgot my camera on the charger and my cell phone is cracked. If you see any photos, that means I got them by feel.
           Cooters, the Dukes of Hazard store, is right next door. I took some photos of Chooks with the General Lee, but never having seen the TV show, I didn't tour the place. Of course, outside Chooks was a hit with the ladies. I was inside the general store an hour, just looking. To had I already have too much stuff. They had a rack of Stetson cowboy hats with prices starting around $60 for the straw model favored by Dwight Yoakum. That's in case you thought it was just a cast off. The place was full of interesting trinkets and I bought a jar of Willie's barbeques sauce--and it really is excellent. I also picked up two "Willie For President" bumper stickers, but they never made it back here.

           You see, I know I'm clearing out before this weekend. So I stopped at Shooters while the sun was still warm and Shawn was back on duty. We always did instantly take to each other, but she's 40 years younger than me. She glommed one of the sticker and the goes to Bryan who is not on duty until tonight, when I plan a return visit. Shawn has been back a while after a stint at another bar, she makes a killing in tips. But the other place was not giving the promised shifts so she is back and I have some news that disappoints. She had a quiet stretch where we talked and she asked why I had not e-mailed, but I did. Argh. She did not recognize my signature subject line and didn't know it was me. She missed dozens of great videos sent only to those privileged and lucky few on my personal contact list.
           There is hope, she says she does not get that much e-mail and probably did not delete her in-box. This, however, is an alert that my title line does read like a commerial description. Alas, it has been in use for twenty years and it would be unwise to change it. I grabbed a nap and awoke to a layer of snow and this one stayed. Knowing this is my signal to clear out, heated up a big helping of cornmeal pie and strawberry jam and drove directly back to Shooters where I spent my last twenty bucks. You know how I know that pie fed the whole house today? By the dishes piled in the sink. The Reb is due back tomorrow and I'm due back in Florida very, very soon after that. With a turtle in tow. One day I may post diagrams of the planned turtle tower, observatory, and spa.

           Later, a touch of insomnia had me reading and watching a couple documentaries in German, which I no longer can even understand. But it was clearly the diaries of artillery men. Before the war began, the Germans had learned that while tanks were mobile, they were not like warships meant to battle other warships. Killing tanks was the job of the artillery. These German soldiers time and again expressed their astonishment at how British tanks were thrown against them. The Germans were mostly trained for indirect "over the horizon" fire and were amazed by how easily their direct fire blasted open the British armor.

           I was quite young when I first read about the raft experiment. I stumbled across a report today that rated the experiment as a failure. I think it was in the early 70s but since the experiment was all "older" people in their 20s and 30s, I could care less who they had sex with both then and now. So I was amused to learn the study was about violence, which makes sense to me. The common factor to all violent men is they never got any in their teens, particularly their early and mid teens. This is also the source of men who are assholes, bureaucrats, and liberals. They spend the rest of their lives trying to get back at the world for this, and when that fails, to prevent others from having it. Laugh if you want, but if given the resources, I could handily prove this is a solid and workable theory. Take my personal example.
           I never got all I wanted, but since I was surrounded by an environment of men who got nothing, I was fully aware that I'd gotten far more than my fair share. Let me check something. Yes, it's confirmed, 71% of the women I've had sex with was during my teen years and by age 29, that rises to just over 95%. And since I know some will try to denigrate this, I have always been fussy about women. I've never dated a shack-up, a prostitute, a skank, a divorcee, or a known "bad" girl. It was only advancing age that dampered my activities, and that's more their age than my own. So, I had to find out the results of what I now learned is the Acali Raft Experiment. It was always a laugh to me to watch other men buy cars, lotions, pills, clothes, and how-to books and still not get any, while all I had to do was get on stage. (Um, I might add that most men who get on stage still don't get any, the stage is merely my enabler.) And by the time I was 35, most of the world became my metaphorical stage, as in, I meet women everywhere I go. Just never the nice ones any more, sigh. I have a separate theory what causes frustrated women.

           The "scientist" on the raft, named Santiago, was convinced confined communal living would result in violence. Well, right there, his theory conflicts with mine. When confined, the women will find the available small pool of men means a number of things. The major change is, in my view, that everyone on the raft was aware of what everyone else was doing and knew any lack of cohesion would cause trouble. My second conclusion is the experiment both failed and succeeded. The artificial climate meant no man could score without being nice or by pretending to be what he was not. Santiago did not get his violence and later reports show the group formed lifelong acquaintances. My conclusion is this occured because before the raft sailed, Santiago did not allow the group to self-assess. Rather he personally picked the group to be young, slim, attractive, that is, not at all a cross-section of any society. These were likely people who were all sexually satisfied to begin with. Put another way, there was nobody like my two brothers on that raft, I guarantee you that.
           I learned Santiago had been a crew member on the Ra expeditions. I read both books without his name or contributions standing out. Interesting enough, the one person on the raft who fits my definition of a sex-deprived loser was Santiago himself. Turns out he was the one spurned by the group and there is now a movie called "The Raft" that portrays near mutiny conditions over his bizarre behavior, which would be predictable by my theory. My guess is he was the only one not getting any. Beware of the reported results because most of the on-line material is from the Guardian, a very slanted propagandist libtard source.

Last Laugh