One year ago today: January 13, 2024, no guarantee.
Five years ago today: January 13, 2020, another average day.
Nine years ago today: January 13, 2016, weird coincidence, a torch.
Random years ago today: January 13, 2013, she’s good company.
I voice entered some material from back in the 80s, I caution the reader that that was a much different time and place and also much more a free society. People mostly did anything they wanted as long as it harmed nobody but themselves. I was dating a gal whose older sister was several years younger than me. And she made sure things did not work out or I’d like be married to a Swedish gal today. Things are not so great with this voice-to-text. Despite perfect English input, to day it was 40% errors. And equally worse, the microphone clogs up the system even when not in use. Just plugging it in causes jams, yet this is is by far the fastest computer of its class and maxxed out with RAM.
Sadly, this is JeePee’s last home. JeePee Towers. The bottom section is a duplicate of his terrarium in Tennessee and the other is his observation tower. He could climb to the level her preferred, which depended on whether you were sitting or standing in the room. If you’ve been keeping track, the number of pets has dropped from five to two in the last eight weeks.
It never got warm enough this morning so I put in six hours on the books, which includes this journal. Now that there’s a wee bit of work happening on the oldest and hand-written journals, it becomes necessary to keep track of what is going on. While one is unlikely to sit down and write two pages of information, there is no such protection against the double posting of data files. And I’ve run into a problem with this blog that was never addressed. No index.
This led me to develop a spreadsheet that lists what dates have publications. Sure enough I’ve already uncovered several problems. Duplicate posts and some quirk in the Google system that lists posts in the wrong month. I found they can be copied and reposted correctly, but that process wipes out the statistics for than post. Another glitch is months that show 32 posts. I may get to those some day. Another little mouse has met his maker overnight. I can explain. In Florida if you have rats you probably have mice as well. But if you set regular spring traps for the rats, the mice can get in there and steal the bait without triggering the latch.
The solution is to file down the latch just enough to make it hair-trigger. And that mouse ignored the live trap and went for the peanut butter and his demise. Where was I? Ah, yes, doing the books. Sometime the trips to Tennessee get estimated in total, then filled out when I have time. Such as cold days like this. Bidenflation has make these visits three times as expensive. Because inflation hit those commodities the hardest. Gasoline, groceries and pet food. Let’s get some figures for you. Drop back this afternoon.
Here’s more numbers. The Washington Post circulation has dropped from 23 million in 2021 to less than 3 million today. The Texas Attorney General is suing Allstate for tracking cell phone data, saying it was done by secret code. Bull, the tracking code is there for anyone to see because that is how cell phones operate. And anyone who reads the fine print would know there is no such thing as cell phone privacy. Here’s a video clip that captures the American mood today.
Copenhagen pastry shop.
Remember to use BACK ARROW to return to blog.
Yep, that last stay cost me $1,723. Mind you, that includes gems like replacing the Garmin GPS for a hundred bucks and $180 in pet supplies. Cat food is $40 a bag. I did buy that CD player for the van and a new electric drill, but they were not that expensive. Gas was $360. There is also the changing entertainment budget, correlated with the lack of good movies suitable for a date. Thus, we go out for Thai food and sushi more often, which adds up pretty quickly. Compare with the original budget for these trips at $430. But back then, it was just the pets and I most of the time.
Silver is smoldering but going nowhere. There may be a bust, but I predict it won’t be the silver itself. The bubble will take the form of a scam on all those imbeciles who will be stuck holding worthless paper. The real silver, except for those who have a barn in Maine to hide it, will have it confiscated same as 1933.
Write off the remainder of today. ai make a great supper and crawled in the sack, where I did not awake until 7:10AM tomorrow. This time it was neither age or fatigue, but something I’ve done my whole life. Just take a day and sleep straight through. A deep and dreamless sleep and I awoke to a chilly morning. The interior gauge says it dropped to 62°F overnight inside the cabin. But I have an electric blanket. I finished reading that weird-ass book “Computronicon” or “Cryptomonicron” and that was not worth the effort. The book has so many long and repetitious chapters, as near as I figure they did find the hidden gold by dynamiting a mountain in the Philippines. I think. The plot also goes on an annoying degree about how faggots are normal and that means to them that Alan Turing was a genius. Not for his computer work, but because he was queer about it.
Because 4/5ths of the book is about hookers and heroine addiction or was it morphine? The sole motive of these people seems to be getting stoned and living permanently in a whorehouse. I think my finishing this book has to do with a similar theme I had about a submarine that smuggled German anti-gravity material into Venezuela. But there the similarity ends. My heroes are ordinary people thrust into extraordinary circumstances.
Something to ponder. These droves of women who come forward later in life to claim they were raped and abused by the rich & famous. How is it these creeps always seem to have an unlimited supply of such women?