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Saturday, February 17, 2001

February 17, 2001

           Most enthused about last evening. We played the Ugly Tuna after a near-miss thanks to the Hippie’s “agent”. The good news keeps coming. The crowd loved us—we finally played a set of the type I had planned on when I first heard the Hippie on Oct. 6 (20)00. Supreme crowd reaction. Looks like we are there Fridays until further notice, whatever that means to a club owner.
           The place has what was lacking before—young, slim, sexy, unattached women coming in by themselves. Rare. But it is a neighborhood restaurant.

           [Author’s note 2016-02-15: Keep in perspective here. I was still new in Miami and this was only our third gig or so. I did not know the Hippie would mess up that and every other situation. Nor did I know he was ansty about having to pay me a fair $45 for my work. I found out later he was making $200 on that gig. And most of what he paid me was half the tips, which are always better anyway when I am present. I was learning.

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