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Sunday, June 20, 2004

June 20, 2004

           My notes just say that the transit of Venus (crossing the sun) was missed here due to cloud cover. This is a rare event, and one of the few times NASA is useful these days. My savings account balance on this day was $15,710. Not my net worth, just my savings account. Something must have been wrong with my Cadillac, as I wrote down it has to go into the shop. If I recall, it was oxygen sensors giving trouble, and all four had to be replaced at a time. Great going, there, Cadillac.
           I'll see if I can round up any pictures from this date, but digital camera work was still in the future in 2004. There were too many cameras that were ordinary units with a CCD put in the back and being sold as "new technology". Trivia, today in 1988 the brainiacs in DC made it illegal for private clubs to discriminate against women and minorities. What part of "private" don't they understand?

           Last, I see I must have been absolutely tuckered out from helping paint the garage y'day. Eighteen hours of sleep means I missed one of my "remaining Sundays". This entry is being written in 2014, but at that time my odds living out the year were not that great. But I did write in the margin that if I live to be 66, on that day I will sit down and do "sweet fuck all" for the rest of my life.
           Here is a false-color image of the Cassini spaceprobe photos that began arriving about this time in 2004. These are the rings of Saturn, nothing much new was discovered except small local details, such as rings not visible from Earth. I didn't know it at the time, but this was about the point I began to lose all respect (except for the Mars missions) for NASA as the trustee of the space program.

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