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Saturday, June 19, 2004

June 19, 2004

           It says here, I like that, it says here that JZ and I painted the entire garage. It was supposed to take two days. I'm experienced at cutting in, often keeping ahead of two rollers, so it was dry to the touch after one coat and two of us rolled the second. JZ was buying so we then went to the Buccaneer, whose only saving grace was that it was near some big campus.
           But it was not full of babes, not like it was back in our day. The pubs near my campus were meeting places, there was no stigma about sneaking in underage and meeting up with babes away from home and on their own for the first time. It really was the sexual revolution, not the devolution of today. Other than that, I barely remember the place, except they didn't have Budweiser. But I remember looking and not seeing any babes. To all the guys who go back to college in their late twenties, get over it, you have nothing in common with the teenagers just arriving.

           [Author's note 2016-06-19: turns out this is not my imagination. Not only is the average age on campus climbed rapidly since 1990, the females are, indeed getting fatter. Now, this could also be true of the men, but that's not something that would remotely concern me. Part of the age spurt appears to be how the government has popularized taking out student loans to return to school with the promise of a better job. We know how well that has worked out.]

           A new species of fish was discovered today off Brazil, in 1953 (61 years ago) the US executed the Rosenbergs, and in 1999 Stephen King, the horror author, was killed by a van while he was walking home. The driver said his dog distracted him. So basically, he got off with saying, "Oops, sorry."
           NASA announced it would begin a new series of robotic missions to the moon by 2008 and send an expedition there by 2015. They lied. They wasted all mission money lining their pockets with paychecks for 30 years of shuttle nonsense.
           Here is a photo of a meteor being destroyed by crashing into Saturn's rings. This photo taken in 2013. By 2014, NASA has sunk so badly it did not make top story of the day even once by today's date.

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