Ever have one of those days when you’ve had it? I don’t know how, but it seems every time I have to set up a wireless network, which I know how to do off by heart, there is always some idiotic non-standard problem that has to be solved. So much for the state of modern engineering. I was in the shop for half the day researching a problem not even mentioned in the rule books.
Returning to the shop, I discussed the wireless network problem with Fred, and I decided to hook up a trial on the bench tomorrow. The first “Internet” computer became tested today, these are the units that do very little else than log on. It had 64 MB of RAM which I took up to 256 MB by “topping off” the available card slots. I feel I was misled by the original users of my (Internet rental) system, who kept saying it wasn’t “fast enough”, where I thought every user was out there seeking the fastest screen refresh in town.
Another consideration is that all Net cafes in this town charge top dollar. There is no place you can go for less that just turns away the “fast enough” crowd in favor of the lower-priced just check my email crowd. It is just a thought, but sometimes all you really need is a “low speed” Internet cafĂ©. A sensible alternative, but I need time to think. We’ll set you up an account and get you started, knowing full well that if the price is low enough, you’ll keep coming back.
Therefore, tomorrow is slated to set up a variety of test on wireless systems in the shop to nail down once and for all at least the methods and order of events. I began to set up a system here, putting an Airlink (wireless router) on the table, which Pudding-Tat promptly knocked onto the floor. I’ll make lemonade by taking it apart to see how it works. Here kitty, kitty…
I left a message with the CPA that is looking for someone to do his networking, or networking for his clients. No response yet, but the very prospect of steady work in this town is alluring. You sweat out every summer but then along comes fall and winter and it is paradise but for the people.
Trivia. Nobody really knows who invented the paper clip.