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Friday, October 9, 2009

October 9, 2009

           Here’s a Karaoke booth. You slip in ten bucks and pick a beat. Two people fit in the box. The selection is rather limited but you get a disco light show and in a few minutes out pops a CD with your performance. I didn’t stick around to see the results, but what kept crossing my mind is that this thing has a camera and that disk is likely going nowhere, if you follow.
           I was up rather late [last evening] speculating about, not a camera, but a camera system. Thinking’s a luxury as I was raised in a place where being in thought was considered “doing nothing go fill the woodbox” and have a few former bosses with the same fossilized mindset. After two hours, I ran some numbers and two items emerge as guidelines. First, the buying public perceives the systems as expensive. Last, for the same total dollars, mass camera systems are possible. But has anyone come up with any mass camera ideas? No, not the police cameras at intersections, those are closed circuit TV and anyway most of those cameras are fakes.
           I’m referring to a new country-wide social network of some kind. Sure, we have web cams but like telephones they are usually small groups on the same frequency, as it were. Think, old boy, dammit, think. Mass cameras, what use could they be put to that net freaks will buy into? They were wowed by Twitter, were they not? And how many 32-camera systems are there, I mean really? Now ponder, is there a 32,000 camera system in existence? I doubt it. I imagine one massive system that exists for one single purpose; it is that purpose I have not yet imagined. I cut you off here, as you are getting dangerously close to discovering how the digital brain operates. Time to be careful, can’t have women knowing I think of things besides sex and pizza.

           I spent some time with the new camera software, it is pretty basic. At this time I have no idea if more than 32 cameras are even possible, I’m just thinking ahead. In some ways, this pro site is less capable than the $70 application I discovered a few weeks back. I’ve learned the trick to new ideas, however, and it involves setting up two systems where most people have one. That’s how I learned fax machines, networks and wireless, I had two complete working instances to experiment how they interacted. Ah, I see some of you stopped at one set. Tsk, tsk.
           The limitation is the quality of the video cards. There is a tradeoff between picture quality and frames per second. This explains that jerky motion when you see the bank robber on TV. These cards often have only one video output. In a few weeks I hope to be an expert at all of this.
           I see the City of Hollywood is once again giving computer lessons. Eight lessons for $40 is not bad provided you learn something. Bad Bob brought in the brochure, an invitation to check it out if even only for new private students. I also responded to an ad for data entry piecework. I am the king of data entry as I know database design. No promises as I wait for a reply, but I calculated out that I could make excellent money at it during my quiet times at the shop. Like Saturday mornings.

           The AntiVirus 2010 is making the rounds. (The name is a misnomer, the program is a virus that claims you have a virus.) This is the nasty virus that pretends to detect threats to your system. They want $160, up from $80. Kiss your money goodbye, there is no known cure except redoing your entire system. Also, that “fakeavalert” has mutated and has a copycat called “pixievar”, both of which create fake messages that your anti-virus as been disabled. This has prompted us to put a new sign up at the office that we will no longer guaranty a virus cleaning longer than 24 hours. People are going home, logging on to the same contaminated sites and bringing the computer back the next day. Sorry, no warranty, you gotta pay up again.

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