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Saturday, October 10, 2009

October 10, 2009

           Here is the test screen for the video surveillance software I’m analyzing. The only non-standard part is the 4-channel video card you see I’m holding. This is a far cry from the days when you had to buy specialized components, such as the TV, camera, recorder and so on. Everything else in the photo is standard equipment. Peek at the top two screens. Left is the Laundromat in West Palm Beach, on the right is the parking lot in the Keys. The clarity is amazing and these feeds are live, that blue vehicle was driving past.
           A 4-channel video system is considered the simplest case although fewer cameras need be connected. I leave the hardware side of things to those who enjoy that. Fortunately I know a lot of people who do. Give me software any time. To any of you who ever set up modems, I think I finally found out what all those port settings are for. I was just beginning to forget about them. It would seem I am about to quickly double my knowledge about networking Internet devices.

           While talking software, two useful items came forward during today’s shift at the shop. One is a type of software that eliminates the effect of viruses. You can look it up yourself at and don’t blame yourself if it doesn’t make sense. Based on an old IBM standard, it appears to take a snapshot of the operating system parameters on a given computer. Then, a virus is defeated by simply restoring the original configuration. This is much different that a registry last known good sort of thing. Watch the pcvive demo and watch him actually delete files and programs on purpose. Then watch the restoral put it all back. Just amazing. I will look into it. If it works, I’ll show you how to use it. It sounds too good but I saw it in action.
           The second item is a feature of the video surveillance software. A store owner naturally wants to keep an eye on his cash register. Outside of deterrence, mounting a regular videocam is only so effective. This is difficult to describe, so stay with me through an example. Suppose at end of shift, $50 is missing. Time to scroll all through the tape for hours? Ah, with my system there is no tape. Now get this. We can superimpose each transaction right on the video and simultaneously enter it into a timestamped database.
           To find a given incident, locate the item in the database and the video instantly plays back that footage. No scrolling needed. Looking up and viewing individual transactions is a snap. Dishonest employees beware. Times they are a-changin’.

           And again my entire music class aces the midterm. I know what you’re thinking, but I have each student pick a favorite tune and learn it applying only the principles learned in class. With six students, that’s enough material for an hour long show. To surprise them I rigged up a drum box and this caught all the people who’ve been soloing. That’s a no-no until after the course. The premise of this class is to play along with other musicians. I understand how tempting it is to freestyle, but the number one rule of groups is everybody has to play the same thing.
           Some have made remarkable progress, others know it is their own fault if not, which is a self-correcting situation. Singing is also a damn good barometer of how well one can strum guitar. If it isn’t automatic, you screw up. In all, the class is very popular and there is a chance of coaching a theater group in North Miami. They have a spare room and want a class in it. How popular? I was informed today that one person who had to skip the class due to an accident in the family was “almost in tears”. Now that’s popular.
           Bingo was nearly a sellout. Whether that is coincidence or luck nobody knows. (To anyone who just got here, I am the bingo caller.) Eddie showed up and has the cast off his wrist. He wants to buy some contraption that claims to add harmonies to his vocals. I say there is nothing wrong with how he sings. It is unique. Bingo went well enough that Jackie and I walked up to Boston’s for a look. The band was virtually identical in style to where I was at when I was 15 years old. Even played the same tunes, know what I’m sayin’?

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