She’s old-fashioned and indecisive but doesn’t lay the trip on me. She understands there are times I’m out until midnight playing to a room full of drunk women. I see she’s lived alone for some years, so I know she can handle that. I’ll see her again a few times to make sure she isn’t play-acting, but I don’t think so. And don’t give me any horse hockey that she might surprise me. It is the one-sided presumption of an idiot that one is somehow supposed to like such surprises. Nope. A surprise is a $200 gift certificate from Home Depot, get my drift?
The press is ranting away already, the Colorado Killer thing. That he was a science student as in see what studying science does to you. I draw a distinction between loners that establishes whether or not they are a loner by choice. And yes, I automatically suspect the ones who have no choice. Part of what makes them such nobodies is that the only thing they can ever do is copy other people. I have seen this behavior thousands of times. He’s going to die in a prison “accident” and it serves him right.
The facts on this one are funny, so expect lots of speculation. For example, he hit 70 some people, suggesting he took aim rather than spraying automatic fire. My conclusion is that the large number of wounded says he loosed two magazines of automatic fire, dropped the empty weapons, and then fired single shots at anybody who moved. Dressed up as a movie villain, what a pansy. String him up.
Trivia. Japanese and Chinese prefer short-grained rice. They say it is because this makes it easier to handle with chopsticks or work with the fingertips. They ought to know. I must try this.
Last, I was on yet another date, this time with my Hungarian princess. The aerobics instructor. It was one of those perfect get-to-know each other situations. We went to familiar territory, the bakery, and had morning coffee. I know the huge age difference was a factor, but I closed that gap in a matter of moments, even showing her the dance I invented. Within moments we were on the same wavelength. And she herself remarked how real I was compared to the men who have been hitting on her. I’m out there, dating again on a regular basis. Keep checking in, because you know I’m looking for Mrs. Right.
Everyone is more than anxious to hear about my diet results, I can tell. My new low-fat diet, and so it’s known, I have not changed my low-carb diet which is still in full effect. I can’t say if the combination is better, but the switch to low-fat is producing very slow results. What, you want the data? All you had to do was ask. I’ve lost three inches off my waist and seven pounds, which required 24 days. This seems to have been a beneficial loss that is greater than the sum. I’ll explain.
The lost inches I don’t rate, as the apparent weight came directly off my upper abdomen. I’m startled how easily I can now get out of a chair without gripping the armrests, or pedal my bike full speed all the way downtown, or dash up a flight of stairs when I’m in a hurry. Keep busy for it is unwise to think about hunger, that’s my advice today. I’ve also discovered you get a mis-reading if you weigh yourself even a little thirsty. Drink a glass before getting on the scale and quit fooling.
Food? Prepare for a complete overhaul. Cabbage is not bad if you cook it right, same with turnip. I keep a spread of those small bananas handy. Have one before any meal. Learn to fall back on items that claim to help, like herbal teas and raw onions, mind you, I find they work best when your stomach is totally empty which is not necessarily when you feel the hungriest. You quickly learn to drink the tea an hour before, which sounds impossible but it works.
During said 24 days, I consumed 22,275 fewer calories than recommended for a slim person my height. This equates to around 3,200 calories per pound, very near the accepted figure. One revelation is these numbers are exceptionally close to the spreadsheet I ran to project the diet, a nothing 3.12% average discrepancy. Either I know my spreadsheets or diets are a darn good mathematical relationship.