At the other end, a long time girlfriend has cut me off completely. I don’t understand, she stopped all contact instantly. New boyfriend? I don’t think that would be enough. I’ve known her for 19 years. Her daughter answered. I don’t really know the daughter, but she said not to call again. I left some important documents with the mother for safekeeping in 1999. The daughter said I “should have thought about that ten years ago”. Um, lady, that’s what I did. There was always a chance I'd lose that box, but why would a friend do that?
Bingo was a success. The new audio, made possible by my recorder, is now customized for the room acoustics at the club. It really fattens up the midrange sound. The calls from the new band ceased, meaning they got a gig. Bands are predictable. But I can wait that out. My thinking is that they don’t, and never did, have any intention of learning my tunes—although they advertised for a singer. Maybe they meant somebody who sings only what they already play.
Over the weeks I’ve learned all their tunes and they have learned none of mine. So, I’ll stand and play bass, but I will not sing to a band that is just comping. I do a top job for their music and I expect better than comping when it’s my turn. They’ll call when the gigs finish up, but I’m continuing working on my solo act. I like the drum machine to help with my lousy guitar strumming.
I’m adding two John Denver and one Jimmy Buffet this week, along with a spoof on Clapton. If you know the music, Clapton’s “Before You ‘cuz Me” has the same chord pattern as “Kansas City”. Both songs came out around the same time in 1957 and the Beatles covered the latter, so it’s not like Clapton didn’t know about the similarity.
I’m crackling “Alien Hunters”. (Make sure you use a fake account for Crackle, you’ll be barraged by spam. Lots of food ads, just what I need.) The movie is the old Roswell theme, aliens in an escape pod from a UFO crash. Grade B acting, phony roles (oversexed women at the south pole no less), all too familiar green aliens with bug eyes, and handy rooms full of empty boxes for people to trip over in the dark. But it has its moments, like the cornfield scene.
News to me that people can dream about bad habits. I awoke in my easy chair with a book on my lap and a dream I was smoking a filter cigarette. I even reached for an ashtray, which I now use for spare buttons. I was sitting on the balcony of the Hotel Colonial in Venezuela with Janista. Man, that was fifteen years ago.