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Thursday, January 7, 2016

January 7, 2016

One year ago today: January 7, 2015, remember reel-to-reel?
Five years ago today: January 7, 2011, the problem is people.
Nine years ago today: January 7, 2007, working the Thrift.
Random years ago today: January 7, 2006, Dragon Un-naturally Speaking.

           This photo is related to the fast on the city pulled on the trailer court next door. (As soon as they pushed through the re-zoning for the Art Center, they flipped it for condos.) Oh, please, let me get notice from here that they have to buy this place from me. They can’t just evict, you know. My price is, oh, twice what I paid for it.
           I saw this GPS surveying gear and stopped to talk to the attendant. I call him that because that is what he is doing. Just wait till you read what he told me, but meanwhile, look at the picture. You got the boarded up houses in the background, that’s the ones that sold fast when the condos were announced. The tripods are a satellite antenna and a base unit. Oddly, this is the transmitter, not the receiver. And the setup is valued at around $30,000.
           The guy tells me his job is to stand there and make sure it doesn’t get stolen. Ah, so it has happened. Yes, he says, and some were violent robberies. Base unit was meant to be left alone while the surveyor walked the property, placing his transmitter over each corner pin until he received satellite confirmation. (Around 3 minutes.) But all too often, the base unit disappeared. How do you spell i-n-s-i-d-e j-o-b?
           He added that his instructions were to stand by the unit, not sit in the truck. Why? Because, and I got the impression he meant not too far from here, there was a drive-by theft. The perps saw the setup, drove around the corner to remove their license plates, then drove past again with one thief leaning out the window. He reached out, grabbed the goods and spirited them away. Is that considered a “pod-snatching”?

           The new neighbors are definitely not within the age group of this trailer court. But, I’ve told how the Frenchies have been fewer and staying less. You bet the office is lean and hungry, one of the reasons I hope will contribute to the sale of the property. Now that I’ve lived through the event before, I would take my buyout—and refuse to pay rent for the duration. What are they going to do? The law says they can only evict me. They can’t wreck my credit rating because I don’t have one. Bwaaaaaa-ha-ha-ha-ha!
           The age next door is mid-20s and they act it. Here’s the one dude riding a unicycle, something you just don’t see that often on this block. They are noisy, stay up late, talk too loud, and play terrible music. And you know, it does not bother me in the least. I’ve always had the inkling that what really bugs lawmakers and old people is others having the fun they never did, real or imagined. Hey, I’m ex-phone company so I know damn well what I’m talking about.

           In other camera news, I was able to download an upgrade instruction set and my video now has several more functions enabled, including the timing interval, although you have to choose one of theirs. The options are 30 secs, 60 secs, and 300 secs. I have not yet found a use for that setting.
           The follow-on exciting adventure was cutting the rails for my new air conditioner brackets. You get better at it after a while, learning to cut with the edge of the grinding wheel. No, not the flat part, that’s dangerous. I’m referring to as you cut the metal, if you hold the grinder at a consistent angle, the disk gets flat. That means it also has a sharper edge. So cut with that. Hey, it’s not like I ever did this for a living. This blog is user-friendly for people who don’t need to become total experts but don’t want to ask the experts either. Because they lie.
           Here’s a photo of the cutting process, complete with photogenic model wearing safety glasses and gloves. It is evident these brackets are going to have to be welded. The metal I’m using is powder coated. Some say it must be ground to bare metal before welding, others say “the paint is an excellent anti-oxidant, just weld right through it till it melts away”.
           There should be a noticeable improvement in picture quality, although the new camera is still limited by the need for a power cable. Interest varies, I suppose, on how much excitement happens around here on a daily basis within the radius of my longest extension cable.
           It is a journal, so some might say compared to average, something blogworthy goes on here every day. Others who don’t say that don’t really belong here. I don’t care much for the slow-witted. I can tell you one thing, contrasted with the hum-drum lives of most people in this world, this blog is pure fascination. I have absolutely no idea who was on Letterman last night, whether the country has been attacked again, or how many degrees the planet has warned the last year. Can’t help you there, maybe try Comcast? You can trust them, I hear tell.

           I’m not done blaming my controller for wrecking my expensive marine battery. Here is the inspection of the fried inverter. Nothing appears wrong with it, no apparent short circuits under the best magnification this puppy is going to get. I think it got wet. But it ate the new fuse instantly so maybe it is good for salvageable parts. Like that heat sink. Yes, that is dust on my lens. That’s why I call this my work area. Duh.
           My favorite tale from the trailer court today? That goat let into the tiger cage in Russia. Instead of becoming goat chops, the little guy kicked the tiger out of his den, took over, and now they are the best of buds. In even better news, North Carolina is about to kick 59,000 off welfare. (They are able-bodied childless adults who must take job training or perform workfare 20 hours per week.)

           Affluenza, the defense that wealthy parents left their offspring unprepared for life. I have two opinions on that.
           First opinion: I agree 100% that this is a real factor. I’ve seen it and experienced it: compare my cousin Leslie to me, there you have it. He snorts away $100,000 per year because he cannot cope with reality. I even like the term “affluenza”.
           Second opinion: real or not, affluenza is not to be allowed as a defense in any criminal proceedings, and it should be illegal to even attempt to use it as a defense.

           Almost last, I developed a tremendous appetite for curry. Don’t look at me. I was studying the chance of buying that el cheapo place in Deland (west) and there it was: curry. I broke into the back of my spice cabinet and found a jar of the compound. Working the theory that them guys put ghee and salt on everything, I produced some mighty excellent chicken broth. That’s your food entry this week. Well, wait for Friday. That day I can eat anything I want. But the places I eat have never heard of curry.
           And finally, last, I think I mentioned I may have met someone. It’s true, but anyone can tell you if you seek a little quality after age 30, things don’t move as fast as they used to. One thing I should explain to her early is that dating me is not the same as other men who, for instance, don’t read or write and think the library is only good for free parking. The most drastic change when dating me? Easy, your worries are over BUT that’s in the sense of worries like money. The fact is you change over to other things, but they are a lot easier to worry about. Savvy?

           You know what grinds my gears? Commentators who always point out that Germany attacked with a declaration of war. Some people are unclear on the concept of “blitzkreig”, how it works best by surprise? Anyway, the worst instance is the oft-repeated remark that Germany did not declare war on the Soviet Union on June 22, 1942. The opening of Barbarossa. That’s true, but let’s look at the bigger picture.
           The Soviets military production was five times that of Germany. And they had massed 5 to 6 million soldiers on the border, none of them in defensive positions. In 1940, it was very well known that Stalin was hoping for a repeat of World War One, but this time he would stand back and watch Germany battle the Western allies to exhaustion. Then his troops would swoop west to the French coast, sweeping aside the remnants of the European armies.
           Hitler knew about the troop concentrations and the fact that the Soviets were rapidly rearming for the attack. He knew that if he waited even another year, the communists would be too strong. Hitler’s armies were equipped only for short, decisive wars, while the Soviets (and to a large extent England) were on a full war economy. Hitler did not so much “lose” the Battle of Britain as he was anxious to knock out the threat in the east. As soon as the Brits were bashed to the point where they would not be a threat for years, Hitler hit the Soviets hard.
           People who comment on Germany’s behavior should quit getting their information from outdated sources. One of the biggest surprises to the Germans was how advanced the Soviets were for the attack. The Germans overran huge stockpiles of offensive equipment ready to invade not just Germany, but all of Europe. Of course the Soviets were beaten back so badly, they were preparing to attack to the west, not to defend their country.

Last Laugh

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