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Thursday, January 7, 2016

January 6, 2016

One year ago today: January 6, 2015, “I got one, too!”
Five years ago today: January 6, 2011, if I had $60 . . .
Nine years ago today: January 6, 2007, playing crib at Panera.
Random years ago today: January 6, 2013, it was me.

           Turbinado. That’s what a lot of people think they are buying when it says “brown sugar”. Nope, big difference. This bears repeating, “brown sugar” is ordinary white sugar that has been recolored by the addition of some molasses. This is an issue because of what people expect. There was a time when brown sugar was less costly because it was less processed than white, or “cane sugar”. The theory is that it the less manufactured it was, the better for you.
           Now, only the name remains. Brown sugar is just as costly and just as refined as white sugar. I don’t know of any true American source of real brown sugar, which is called “turbinado”. It is available in foreign markets and has a distinctive hint of caramel. I exclusively use turbinado and it only takes a short bit to get used to the flavor. I now prefer it in baked goods.

           I’m going to build me one of those clappers they use in the movies. This was not a big day. I got a haircut, the trivia is that 40% of the world’s fish species are freshwater, and I’m on page 65 of the shark book. I’ve learned that Great Whites are the top of the food chain but are also one of the most difficult types to keep in a seaquarium. The book says it has never been done successfully.
           I will say the book is exceptionally proof-read. The style is somewhat formulaic, I’ve read this standard brand before and recognize it as modern journalism. Think of it as “naturally dry but very well-oiled”. So far, it is another rich-kid adventure, and I’d estimate in today’s money she’s already spent around $20,000 without ever mentioning it. I mean, there are no grocery stores and it’s not like you can get pizza delivered to the Faralones.

           When making tea, my secret ingredient is to dissolve a single piece of Xmas hard candy in the pot. The type they make these days is all artificially flavored and one piece is enough to give the tea a little sparkle. I’ve set the book on European history aside for a while, to give my brain a rest. I’ve gone back to the drawing board to redesign my fancy finger splint based on what I’ve learned with the prototype.
           Once again, it is primarily robot tools, techniques, and materials. The weak spots are known in advance and if there is any chance of slippage or breakage, they are reinforced with, you guessed it, pilot holes and metal from bicycle spokes. Mostly, everything is glued after being hand fitted. Strange, isn’t it, that unlike the rest of the world, I wind up working backwards from robot concerns to what a tradesman would probably learn first.
           The good news is I have not lost any ability to learn new things fast enough to get productive on the first or second try. I should be thankful for that, but you are still not going to get a smile out of me on that count.

           What’s this, the government has been lying about the housing statistics since 2011? Claiming there was a recovery underway when in fact the real growth rate is less than 1%. Smaller than the population growth. Do the math, more people entering the system than money equals what?

           Anyway, I got to thinking about how when you talk to some types of people, it is a waste of time. You know exactly where each conversation is going to end. For the sake of the under-informed, I’ll provide a partial list of people with whom every talk will wind up at a known destination. I’ll leave it to the reader to decide where that is.

                      1) Feminists
                      2) Insurance salesmen
                      3) Mormons
                      4) ‘Nam vets
                      5) Queers
                      6) Potheads
                      7) Weightlifters
                      8) Divorcees
                      9) Wallace
                     10) Step-daughters

           Aha, that second-last one was a trick entry. To see if you were awake. With Wallace, every conversation will wind up with him informing you how “nice” the prostitutes are in Vegas. How cheap they are. And how much nicer they are than ordinary prostitutes and that you would not believe how nice they were. And cheap, too. But soooooo nice. Did he mention they were cheap?

Last Laugh
(I have absolutely no idea . . .)

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