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Friday, November 11, 2016

November 11, 2016

One year ago today: November 11, 2015, convenient real estate typos.
Five years ago today: November 11, 2011, it wasn't gold.
Nine years ago today: November 11, 2007, idiots & money orders.
Random years ago today: November 11, 2006, typical transcripted post.

           Wasn’t that fugly Whoopi G. supposed to haul her fat arse out of the country if Trump was elected? Or was she lying about that, too? She should step down and let some young babe take over, something that’s a little easier on the eyes. I woke up to CBS news, so that’s two ugly things to start my day. Fortunately, I was feeling tired and took the morning off to continue reading “The Case of the Rose”. It too, suffers from character bloat. We’ve already met a half dozen monks who, as far as I can tell, just like to sit around and philosophize mainly about how the rest of the army is marching wrong.
           Last week over coffee, I picked up the only reading material in the place, an Avon catalog. I was aware they have moved into selling more than cosmetics. I had to laugh when I saw these CFM boots. Have you seen the average Avon customer? Those boots are not going to help. Now, come on, how many guys do you know that will admit they read the Avon catalog? I also read Cosmopolitan whenever there is an article that advises women how to meet men. Get it?

           Read below how I found some more missing money, but right now, the year-end closings take priority blog-wise. I’ve been hit with extra expenses every month since I moved so average spending remains high. That’s despite an average of over $240.00 per month eating in restaurants or on the road dropping to $4.00 in September. It bounced back a bit in October due to the trip to Miami. I’m expecting a significant drop in the next while as things settle down.
           The reason I feel that is now that I know this area, there is no way many people could live here if they had to sink the kind of money I have into their houses every month. I calculate the average household here, omitting taxes and such, should be able to operate efficiently on a budget of $300 per month plus food. I’m impressed by the square footage of the older homes in this area. I’ve seen historic plaques on houses build before the civil war. The township was incorporated in 1851, making it a hundred years older than Miami.

           Now, I’d like to get back to the book, “Case of the Rose” for a moment. I’ve said the book is overlong on monkish philosophy, but intermittently there are passages that have some relevance. While the book can be read and understood if you skim over these bits, I’m taking my time and deep reading the material. The paragraph in this case involves money and an argument why the Pope considers those that preach poverty to be heretics and burns them.
           The logic goes that in the north (the Germans and English) have kings that use money as a means of waging war. They have a credit banking system owned by you-know-who and thus the kings themselves become the merchants. Merchants of Death? But in Italy, the vast bulk of trade is done by barter and money is only that which facilitates this trade. Thus everybody from the peasant to the Pope must always take money into account. This is their logic, not mine.
           The way to fight a rebellion, in Roman logic, is thus to deny the rebel any access to money. Therefore, the monasteries, which become essentially mini-factories for making money must be ruthlessly controlled by the Pope. Thusforth, it is a short leap to declaring anybody who has taken a vow of poverty to be a potential enemy of the Church. This would also explain the disdain of the Church for monks leaving the order. Can’t have a group of educated people wandering around out there knowing what the Bible really says.

           Here’s my 'I don’t like Whoopi' section. I don't like Whoopi because she is a self-centered racist pig, so uneducated it stuns the imagination. She knows nothing about slavery but pretends she's got the blues over it. And I don't like anybody who won't let Ann Coulter finish answering the question. Up yours, Goldberg, if you can still find it. I know you don't use it much because you are so full of your own crap all the time.

           Whoopi is so ugly she makes blind babies cry.
           Whoopi tried to join an ugly contest and they said, “Sorry, no professionals.”
           Whoopi’s so fat she had to go to Sea World to get baptized.
           Whoopi is so stupid when I said it’s chilly outside, she ran out there with a spoon.
           Whoopi’s so fat she sat on a quarter and a booger shot out of Washington’s nose.

Picture of the day.
Wormsloe, Georgia.
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           Feeling like a drive, I took the red scooter around the west end of town. I was right to avoid buying there. It is full of the offices and churches you get in a high-crime area that’s been clamped down on over time. There’s even a county jail and I’m glad it is on the opposite side of town from here. They’ve tried to clean up a bit by installing rec centers and golf courses, but that is the type of bandaid that doesn’t work. I know what it takes to get out of that poverty cycle and most people are never going to sacrifice what I did. It don’t work that way.
           The streets were dead over Veteran’s Day, so I stopped for Chili at the Mongolia. That’s still the nicest place to eat within easy driving distance and now I know to get there staying off the main roads. The Thrift was closed, too bad, since I was in the mood to do some serious household shopping.
           Somebody at Harbor Freight is thinking. I file their coupons by expiry date and noticed a pattern. When large items, like tools, go on sale, prices work out to almost exactly the same price as they would regularly cost using the 20% off coupon. The coupon expiry dates are carefully arranged to be multiples of 30 days apart. In essence, since the coupons do not apply to sale items, the store is having one big long continuous sale. Conclusion, HF has CMAs (cost management accountants) on duty. CPAs are not CMAs and most of them could never make it that far.

           I finally drove to the next county to find a library open and they don’t sell coffee. I’ve learned that is a telltale mark of a poor neighborhood. The patrons can’t be trusted not to spill and if they do, they can’t pay for the damage. Fortunately, except for one babe, I had the entire place to myself. Maybe I found out where the term “meme” comes from. In the book I’m reading there was reference to an “enthymeme”. I think but cannot confirm meme is a slang term for the suffix meaning “sentence”. That’s also your trivia. This photo shows that the word “meme” itself isn’t even in the big dictionary.
           Having time, I watched a documentary on what I thought would be a scientific analysis of what might happen when humans actually land on Mars. Of course, there will be contamination. I have no doubt we’ll attempt to terraform the place. Wait, I do have more trivia. The tallest mountain in the solar system is Olympus Mons. It’s 14 miles high. The trivia is that from the ground, you can’t see it.
           That’s correct. The base of the mountain is so spread out that no matter where you stand, the next part of the mountain just looks like the horizon. There is a similar effect with Mount Everest. It rests on a high plateau, so from the base, it doesn’t seem like that big a mountain. Did you know who Yemeni men have sued the USA for landing on Mars? They claim it is their private property, inherited from their ancestors 2,000 years ago. The same article wondered if they’d paid the inheritance taxes. Har!

           I got Audacity up and running on the Win 8.1 computer and cleaned up my pirate tunes. A few weeks ago, I gave that crackling Fishman PA a WD-40 tuneup. That’s spraying all the pots and waiting. I may have cured at least part of the problem. I had the unit on for twenty minutes without problems. Tomorrow I’ll test if for a full four hours.
           Want some good news? I had a typo in the books from the hectic days after this place was gobbling up all my spare change. One of the withdrawals was entered at ten times face value. Nobody noticed until the year end reconciliation, which is theoretically October 31. This work often spills over into November from late-arriving items. I double-checked with Seattle and I’m up the full amount. That’s a happy birthday indeed. Let's just say I want that Honda 250 for Xmas. I kind of knew something was funny on the accounts in August, but the move preoccupied everything. My reconciliation was out until I saw that extra zero, deleted it, and bingo! The account balanced. I celebrated with an extra cup of tea.

           Back to music, I spent some time getting the music into the keys I can sing and finally set up my entire stage gear to practice on. I’m woefully out of practice on the guitar. Give me a week anyway. I reviewed what recordings I have of the rehearsals with other guitarists. Though they can outplay me, they don’t hold a candle to my stage work. You can’t talk at the audience the same way you can get away with playing at them. I’m taking dead aim on that for the next short interval. See if I can rustle up another Jimbos.
           Yeah, I know that’ll be the day. The day I get a gig and the day I actually buy a decent camera for this blog. Then I found an application that prints bass and guitar tablature. There is an example of tablature here on November 3. Good idea, I always used a template I made up years ago. This software, which I’ll test shortly, will play back the tab as audio. Ingenious since it’s one of those things that isn’t obvious.

Last Laugh

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