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Sunday, March 19, 2017

March 19, 2017

One year ago today: March 19, 2016, “but not that way”.
Five years ago today: March 19, 2012, six times as large.
Nine years ago today: March 19, 2008, I find “Wally’s Folly”.
Random years ago today: March 19, 2015, 127,720 underwater.

           Miami called to say I don’t have to come in until noon Tuesday, so I’m taking the day off here to putter. Easy things, like measuring the gutters, since never again will water run off my roof anywhere near the foundation. Here’s photo of a sunflower leaf attacked by a leaf cutter or some similar pest. The droplets are a universal insecticide and worm killer just applied. It’s becoming evident there really isn’t enough sunlight in the front yard area for these flowers. They stay anyway, as they sprouted naturally. I started another 72 flowers, a mix of mums, foxglove and some more black-eyed-susans. See, I’m learning.
           I finished reading “Delta Force” and it was as predictable as any Clancy novel with about the same depth. Nobody can beat America’s special forces despite the fact all their tactics and training are well known. That’s the prime formula you hand your enemy when you want to be the victim of continual surprise attacks. Now, surprise attacks always works and it always will. So don’t tell me there ain’t something funny going on with that.

           The video, “My Cousin Vinny” was my entertainment. I love the plot and the way the nonsense of courtroom behavior is flaunted. As if the accused doesn’t know the rules of procedure are designed to ensure he will never get the best defense possible unless he hires an expensive lawyer—despite the fact he is legally entitled to that said best defense. I’m not proposing the courtrooms become a free-for-all, but that if the system was fair, we could dispense with a lot of the protocol and feigned respect. My concept of corruption is to design a system where people’s natural behavior becomes contempt and their natural avenues of defense become inflammatory.
           Face it, the real reason I watch it is the body on what’s her name Tomie. I never get enough of that, those non-blonde unmarrieds are so smooth when caught young and trained. Of course, at movie’s end, he proposes marriage, but hey, that’s a concession to the audience. The movie portrays them as engaged for ten years, in reality, let’s see her figure six months after the ceremony.

Picture of the day.
Moscow subway.
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           A nearly perfect day, if windy. I dropped by at Agt. R’s to confirm the dresser move tomorrow, 8:30AM. See the photo? That’s not the same picture as last Friday. This is the dressing stand with a separate wall mirror. I told you, this is a traditional set, not just a single dresser. There are two mirrors, the one shown here is wall-mounted. These get thrown in the back yard under tarps until I get back next weekend. Is it okay to pray for no rain?
           Preferring not to start any new work on the house until I return, a stopped at several paint stores to find a good oil-based primer. Not everybody sells it. So what are other people using? I found lots of latex primer, but that’s not what the pros recommend and it is not significantly any cheaper. I know. It’s time for a siesta.

           Ah, that’s better. I pounded in some ground stakes to get a better idea of the porch work to be done. The front of the building is crooked but I read a book on how to adjust for that. Don’t mistake this little I did today with any real work, I was mostly measuring and calculating. I’d like to make the porch a little bit of a wrap-around, but that would seem like trying to make the building look larger. The good news is the front of the building is ideal for adding a porch. Not just good, I mean really ideal in that it matches the instructions in the best book I’ve found. There are no complications and even the siding is the same as the text photos.
           Some definite deep thought has to go into this porch, deeper than I’ve done any so far. It will present a new face to the street and if I can give this building curb appeal I essentially make my money back overnight. That is, the porch adds $18,000 value to the property by all reasonable estimations. The yard is big enough, the landscaping is easy, the ledger boards can go in long before there is any rush to finish the job. If this porch is done right, it gives the building a complete facelift. And here I am stuck again with no help and zero experience. As usual, all the “experts” disappear when you need some real help.
           I have a request. Please, no more suggestions why don’t I make a deck instead of a porch. Guys, the architecture of this building is not suitable for a fancy stained deck that would merely emphasize the age of the structure. This building says “porch”. A deck in the front would be downright out of character. Let’s put that idea to rest.

One-Liner of the Day:
“The invisible man dropped by my office this afternoon
but there was no way I could see him.”

           On my 1961 radio, the AM/FM knob is identical to the on/off. Just often enough, I’ll hit the wrong switch and get this religion station that reports slanted news. They have an obsession with proving they are into all the social technology, but it ‘s really a ploy to try to appeal to the younger crowd. So on they go about how they use instagram, or twitter, or facebook—but not too much. Just a few minutes a few times a day. It must be true, they say it 50 times per hour. The rest of their time, they are all “Find joy, Share joy, Be joy.” And they ain’t about to let you forget that, either.
           The news today was some American soldiers killed in Afghanistan. What? I thought that was finished ten years ago. What the hell are we still doing in that godforsaken place? Our military and leaders could not possibly be that stupid. Allow me to be the harbinger of the bad news, people. If the mightiest military machine in history can’t win a war in 15 years, dudes, it ain’t gonna be won. How do you spell exit strategy? What? They were not American soldiers but part of an international coalition? Why, thank you for that fine distinction.

           Then there was the web cam of the giraffe birth, or the events leading up to it. At first it was blocked because so many people, including facebook, thought it was a pregnant human. But it generated enough sap that they put it back on live feed. There you have it. It is okay to show a live birth on-line, but only if it is a species other than your own. It’s nice to know that forty years of public school sex education has finally produced a generation with such well-balanced attitudes toward morality.
           But the cutest one has to be the “newest” character on Sesame Street. That show went full idiot the day it was taken over by CTW (Children’s Television Workshop) so long ago. The one where Grover was a cycle hard and Miss Piggie was a coke hooker. If you don't believe it, you are not looking back far enough. Try 1970.

Last Laugh

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