This is voice-to-text transcription and may contain misleading spelling errors.
Photos are later digital files placed here for decoration unless otherwise noted.
A cold day, but things progress. The boss put up a 2 hour lunch break, paid, at the Buck Hotel, so we can watch and and and and the stripper. That one was nice, real nice I’d say 8-1/2 – 9. Very attractive v-word and unusually firm breasts. Rob and I ate 2-½ lb. steaks andI can’t move. That’s 1200 calories minimum, so there goes my diet for week. But it was good.
But I had time to think about Heather’s performance this week and just in general. We know she’s inconsiderate and. . . Seems she thinks everything that happens is her business. I lady, none of that trap right from the word go. She has some feel she has a drinking problem, poor soul. She’s extremely dull, unrefined (crude) and has absolutely no class whatsoever. I don’t know what she thinks she’s doing are where she’s going, I don’t even know that she thinks having class is of the slightest importance anyway.
If she thinks things are hard for her now, wait until she realizes what a waste she’s made of her life. I’d decided to look for another place. It could. . . . harm my partner in later years. If it were . . .. associated with such a loser. She is not . . . Doing wrong . . . Lifestyle.
She holds mail up to the light when I’m away. A real sneak. . . . but . . .
I can’t be sure, but I know Heather just seethes knowing that safe (strongbox) in my room. Sweet Jud, if you ever read this, yes it’s the same safe. It’s my little world in there. Wors, Heather sees me writing often. It causes her anguish and torture. I’m glad in a way. Sweet Judy’s privacy never bothered me at all. Just some of the guys she knew.
I feel sorry very harshly toward heather, she’s so on adaptable. If it’s people she thinks falsely she can turn their head or their opinion with a well well-timed word gesture [because] people are impressionable and changeable. But the opinions in the safe . . . it’s cold unfeeling metal, blank and unresponsive. She’s so stupid there’s not a thing she can do except actually change for the better. But it proves too gargantuan a task so she simply must boil in anger instead too bad.
[Author’s note 2025: this lively post is badly water-damaged, but I remember the day very well. Because I’ve rarely been in stripper bars. Stripper bars were all over but my girlfriends were better looking and the strippers were older.
Now I decided to get out of Heather’s place. What I’m saying is that she was getting downright hostile because I kept written records. That is what you were reading right now. And she was far from the last person I’ve met who felt that way. I’ve had strangers get miffed because I was writing in the same room.
Let me clarify what is going on here. Turns out Heather had some kind of criminal record and was on probation. She watched TV sixteen hours a day and seemed to believe that, like the soap operas, she could always say the right snappy or profound quip that would floor everyone. Then she found out I keep these records in the strongbox, where they can’t be changed. And she got increasingly focused to the point I thought she might steal the strongbox.]
Here’s a soccer riot in England. This was before they imported foreign violence.