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TRob and I did some overtime to day. Looks like I'm right back to this sleep-work cycle. I have considered dipping into the slush fund for a trip to Hawaii. Why oh why did I not go there as a lad, or even over the last few years? I'd rather vacation in Europe than own a house right now, due to land taxes. But without direct money from Daddy, it's as elusive a goal as [getting] a good education without money.
TSee even if I stayed in school I’d still be bad off (referring to student load debt). Thanks dad. I'm slowly getting to know the area, I walked along the beach today. For somebody who's been here such a long time, Rob is sure unknowledgeable of the sea. Tina called. One thing, she gives a guy time to think.
T[ Author’s note 2025: In the end, I did not make it to Hawaii For another two years. The oldest person in my group to get there on vacation.]]
This is what women looked like in 1980.