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Saturday, January 5, 1980

January 5, 1980

           What can I do with 4 dollars? I went to Chinatown and shopped most of the day. I even broke down and bought Heather a little something. I wonder, on the other hand, if anyone has ever accused her of being considerate. Rob was supposed to go skating with me, but when I got out there he was, er, incapacitated. Seems he won $13 playing pool.
           So I went alone, and I had a darn good time, especially now that I’m picking up some new moves.
           The same two girls who were showing me how to skate sideways were there, showing off again. That girl reminds me of a slightly fatter version of say, Janet Blick. I don’t know why, but I stopped at the Blitz for last call. I gotta get a girlfriend.
           [Author’s note: remember I was young in 1980, still picking up babes from the roller rink. Rob, a Canadian, was an expert ice skater and could really adapt to rollers. I never did get good at it, but on the other hand, I was far better at picking up women. I’ve long since forgotten who Janet Blick was. But clearly she never made a lasting impression.]