This is voice-to-text transcription and may contain misleading spelling errors.
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An early day, out to Mr Mike's and over to help Rob move into Tony's place. No room for his speakers so he's handing down to me for a while. Now that teamed up with my stereo is the final word. No better sound anywhere. Shultzy gave me his spare headphones for helping him get his car going. It was a grind but I got robbed to come along to another first for me: a boat show, and what a show. The boats the noise and my God man the people. Last ladies but as usual Rob was in a rush to leave. He's staying over.
[Authors note 2025: his is a curious one because I recall shortly after I traveled all the way out to the West Coast there to visit Rob, he landed in jail for a week. Minor drug offenses but he had accumulated enough of them that they put him away for a bit. When he got out, his family shunned him and he had no place to stay so he stayed in this hotel called the Dunbar or something.
The locals just called it the Dunny. This was too long ago [for my memory] but apparently there was only one bathroom on each floor but the rooms had a sink and that's where everybody pissed. Problem, that's what the room smelled like. The hotel was built in a square that formerly had some kind of small courtyard in the center but now all the rooms just faced other rooms. Rob said that it was actually worse than staying in jail. When he got out I let him crash a few days and he wound up doing Heather. Yuck. What's weird is Rob was kind of short and monkey-shaped. Turns out that's what Heather likes.
The comments I make these days were a result of something I had never seen before. Immigrant kids on welfare who were better off than I was. And it was my tax money. Turns out there is nothing new about this--and America did not wake up to it for, by the looks of it, another 45 years.]
For those who don’t believe my wild tales of runaway inflation and why I refused to pay my student loan at 24%.