[Author's note 2025: here's where things get a bit dicey. While the blog is accurate enough to be memoirs, there are passages written long ago in different context. While we live in an era where some sickos are fine with drag shows at kindergartens, that is not me. I was young and just as motivated as anybody but there are some things I just don't publish because if public mood can accept queers prancing down Main Street, it can just as easily decide Sharia law is okay.]
Started work. Good, the end is insight for my youthful debts. IN six months I may have surpassed all my contemporaries*, Dave ripped me off for $65. This is disastrous. That's the reinvestment capital I needed, plus my spending money till next Friday. Plus he got $50 of my tools. [He'll] sell those for $30 and drink more. No responsibility at all. This could cost me a month and a lot of customers and he thinks it's some kind of joke. He "figgered" I could "afford" it, since I had gas in the truck. What a cunt! He saw me work damn hard for money and used it to put gas into the truck while he took his share partying. You can't trust anyone. This is the $115 he drank of my money in 12 hours. For what?
Now I have an entry which I can't put elsewhere. Not in the business journal or my daily record so it comes here. A situation I hope I never have to face. A good friend of came to me and told me she caught her daughter playing with herself. What to do? So the culprint is that gal whose mother is a slut, Laura. She taught her little girl how to it who then comes over and shows the other girls. I knew she played with herself as she rubs herself wehn she thinks nobody can see, but she's learning the inside bit from elsewhere. She nor any kid needn't be told not to hurt herself but what about the fact she's into it already, at 7. Since there's no stopping her once she's learned, I cautioned about getting angry or acting shocked.
I was asked asked to intervene. I decided to emphasize the impoliteness aspect, there's things you don't do in public so keep under the covers, no pun intended. I wonder if I will react when my daughter does it anyway as you see it's not the usual thing I have to I discuss here, so I'll move on.
I got real pissed off when Dave informs me stole my money. Takes me a month to drink that kind of money. To console, I went out for a few and rapidly picked up a lady got her hands busy right away. It a little lip service the in the cab of the truck, the little dry humping but she's stuffing cotton, dad nerbit. So we went drinking and dancing. She wanted to lay me since she first saw me clean shaven last year. I knew that operation had improved my looks. She wants to do it standing up and she says hard and fast only.
*in the end, it took another seven years to pay off that student loan. You need not ask if I'm okay with loan forgiveness for people who studied crap.
[Author's note 2025: I toned down a few passages. Normally it would take hundreds of hours of reading to find something like this in my hand-written pages. So don't place much emphasis on any one incident. I never had any trouble finding ladies looking for fun. The operation referred to is an alignment of my teeth and jaw back to the centerline of my face.]