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Saturday, January 3, 1981

January 3, 1981

           Up early, I popped into Ladner for breadkfast, and a quick look at a beach house. It's expensive but I love it, I'll take it if I can but I warn you it is only about a block from Dr. Gordon's. Well, what does he expect when he supplies me with a good example. On the other hand, I would take such a place wherever it was located and I had no idea where it was when I responded to the ad. I took Crystal out, but she proved a real dud.
           [Author's note: Ladner was a little town across the border, but 23 miles closer than the nearest American diner. While it is wilderness on this side of the line, the Canadian development nudges right up to the border. I had responded to a house for sale and didn't know until I arrived it was on the Canadian side. It was $140,000 on the waterfront, but I decided against it.
           Dr. Gordon is well talked about elsewhere in this blog, so no extra material here. Crystal was the little blonde that married Dave Savino's brother. Fun to meet, boring to date.]