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Tuesday, April 28, 1981

April 28, 1981

           I knew something might come of my seeing [the] Hollywood ‘accident’. Middleton asked me how’s business. The result: Today Schrieber, Miles & cowboy in assembly asked to borrow money. His voice travels. I’m unsympathetic to these boys – I recall my first union paycheck. I thought it was so much money – yet I was broke before the next one. Maybe that’s what separates the men from the boys. I learned a lesson in that same hour. Punishing as it was, by the next payday, I had an investment.
           You know how it is, you say? Lemme tell you, Spud. If you’ve ever had a dy in your life when things were easy, then no, you don’t know.
           An extremely interesting lady was in today, name of Vanida Aster. Three-time divorcee—but she’s an exception. Superbly individualistic, so much so she would threaten all but the strongest me. However, I prefer the Paki lady who lost all the money at the spa. You know, I just felt there was something solid about her. She, it turns, was raised in a convent.

           Additionally, I ‘met’ the waitress at the Pillars. Forget it. She’s the worst disappointment-the typical predictable kind. 26, kid, supports a dead-beat husband and plays the martyr thru it all. “He’s so tied up in his art.” There’s times it’s admirable, but this ain’t one.

           Here is a picture from 1981. It is the British police quelling immigration riots. Too many Jamaicans and other Caribbean immigrants.