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Saturday, April 4, 1981

April 4, 1981

           Got a little party over [at] Collen & Trevor's place. A pretty good time – but things were close to getting out of hand—I got grabbed [by women] af few times while the men would have seen if they’d been watching. Gee, it’s too bad but Colleen is sure putting on weight. Here’s one for you - the answer is “a period, a question mark, and an electric chair. The question is, “Name 3 ways to finish a sentence in Indiana.”
           A couple events of note happened today. I talked to home, expressing ‘concern’ over Bimbo moving here. GP, well that was, er, reasonable, but then Cowberry—beyond coincidence. Now the coast – I was forced to voice my objections. He may be my brother, but this doesn’t mean he has to live next door to me. It’s unfair [to me] when it happens as people imagine we have lots in common. I have nothing in common with a shacked-up loser. I haven’t seen him in about 3 years, so I say – let’s for 6, then 9.

           A lady, oh such a lady, came into the shop today. Joanne, says she was married at 16. Lives with 2 punky-looking mama’s boys. Same old stoy, “I tried living alone”, but it’s her job that caught me. Selling edible underware of course. I know you’d guess. Along with ‘other products’ unspecified. I hope they have licorice. Edible panties, really. I was unaware there were any other kind.            It seems My Sec[retary] are a little unreliable to open shop for me. Well, Pt Bob’s should cure that. What the hell, an easy life would be murder on me. Socially, this was a great move, I’ve met plenty of possibles – but my preference is still the [phrase deleted] long-legged bitch at the Tsaw Esso. That would be heaven surpassing imagination. I wish I could.

           Um, I don’t know how to say this, but there’s an ad in the Sun personal(s) & I think I may respond. I’ll be sticking one inexperienced neck out, but the ad. She want’s a man 25-30 who can dance, like music etc. & she specifies – no wimps. I may have to do this if only to find out what that kind of women would make of me.

           [Author’s note : You got me on some of these places, my brother's nickname at the time was "Ka-Bimbo". I eventually got rid of the guy and my reasons are well-documented. He was following me around and causing trouble so I put a stop to it. Forty years ago. I don’t recall the babe at the gas station, but she must have been something.
           I do not recall if I answered that ad, but let’s keep posting these ancient pages and maybe we’ll find out. I see some phrases are deleted, but certain types of people always get the wrong idea. Like the word bitch, I would have meant bitchy, a quality in women that does not bother me as long as they are good-looking enough.
           Nor have I any idea of the photo is genuine. It came up on a search for something to liven up this page.]