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Friday, April 3, 1981

April 3, 1981

           Looks like I finally found a place to live nearby. It is in the USA, but that’s been coming for some time now. The Canadian tax and red tape is insufferable. Incidentally, it cost me more in legal fees than it did to open [the] business.
           I may have inadvertently left a good impression at work today. I asked the super for 2 min. of his time and when it came, I gave a tirade over why I couldn’t work afternoon shift. Without thinking and wanting to state my case fast, I used terms like “counter-productive”, “labor intensive and “cost effective”. I’d like to be at his next meeting since he never got a word in edgewise, but as I left he said it had “been a treat”.

           Oh yes, I finally got my 55 suit back. It fits. She (Jo-Anne Martineau) wanted to see me. Either to check the fit, or give me shit. And here’s something-Rossie took a long distance call for me from “Baa-Baa”. Do you suppose? Nah, he doesn’t know I’m here, but I’ll call him anyway. Adel Habib. RofR missed his overseas contract, so he’ll be near Alpha One for the summer. Also, people have taken to phoning me at home, so My Secretary looks better all the time. Um, when you’re old enough, I’ll tell you about the three yellow washing machines.

           [Author’s note 2022: Since no pictures exist for this date, here’s the cover of April’s Playboy Magazine. This [post] would refer to the time I bought a small business on Main Street and used to commute through Canada to get there (it was the shortcut). I don’t recall where I was working, but my aversion to shift work goes way back. Shift work is for people with no life. For clarity, the business was across the border in Canada.
           I found a suit styled in 1955 that attracted a lot of attention. I had it professionally taken in to fit my then bone-rack physique. Those who know me may recognize a few names. My Secretary was another business in the strip mall.]