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Sunday, May 3, 1981

May 3, 1981

           [Author's note 2023: this is the entire entry for this date. There were some comments about young women I had to delete due to changes of social attitudes since the last time America was good. Back then, young women dated whomever they wanted and old women had learned to keep their mouths shut about it. Just as many women back then had opinions on what was "age appropriate" but kept if off the front page. Digital photos were unheard of, so here is a clip of the original journal.]

           Ah, pure relaxation. I phoned home yesterday. Must go get the car-obviously things can’t remain at the present low level. I’ve got the problem solved, but no cash to carry it through. I went to see “Caveman” with Ringo Star. Atooke zug-zug Lana.

           [Author's note 2023: But here is an intentionally blurry record of the hand-written material showing the volume of writing. I can't believe this notebook has survived four decades of me moving around. It's more writing in one month than most people do in a lifetime. You bet I get asked a lot why this material isn't published. If I knew it would sell, that is a good question. But meanwhile, there is little chance of ever finding the time. This is one month, 43 years ago. Six years and four months before I met a good woman. I told you I liked writing.]