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Friday, December 18, 1981

December 18, 1981

           [Author’s note 2017: before anyone gets on my case about this post, I need to explain something about 1981. I have never found old women attractive. I never dated a gal over 19 until I was in my mid-30s. I looked young and acted young until my late 40s, and am still proud of that. In 1981, a woman who was over 21 was impossibly old to me and I make no apologies for that. 1981 was the year I first said, “When a woman over 24 looks young to you, you’re old.”
           Nor have I ever been reserved about expressing my reasons for disliking older women. The following post, now 35 years in the past, says it as I would have in those days. Even as a young man, I regularly turned down women who were not my type. Some people never get used to me doing that.
           To this day, I am still indifferent to older women unless they are really something. Most are not. And I am still highly critical of women who have too much to hide.]

           I spent some time in the EAX with people who tried to confuse me. No dice. Was this lady on the bus ever staring at me on the way home. She shoved up beside me and I was actually scared whe was going to say something. I’m sorry, she was at least 25. And my advice to older women is plain, “don’t give me a reason to screw you around, and I won’t.
           The two circumstances under which I’ve ever had anything to do with older women are almost cataloged for me by now. [They are] either an instantaneous fling, or by the most diplomatic and delay-ridden polity of attrition [on her part]. And that’s just to get me to consider it, I don't necessarily go through with it. I find something distasteful that by even associating with older women, you almost by definition have to be “cheating” on someone else. I [that trailing “I” is in the original, so I left it.]
           I hit the PI [a local lounge], a usual mistake. They’ve got this new waitress—“Petra”, who is vaguely familiar She’s Bridgette’s (a.k.a. Frigette’s) cousin or niece. She acted a little sensual around me but not enough to evoke anything. ig it’s what she’s doing, it won’t work. Yeas, she’s got a great body for her age. But it is no longer enough to just pose—I see far nicer ones by the score. She’ll have to do more, but she won’t. I should give her the old, “I was interested till you said that,” sequence.
           I met that Rick(?) at the Reef. He crashed overnite. We played guitar and argued till dawn. I also saw Amanda at the PI. Isnt’ it amazing how she thinks she can go from stripper to nice girl. No, her lack of breeding is reflected in the men she goes out with. Altho, the one tonight was ‘pleasant’.

           [Author’s note 2017: the EAX is a type of telephone equipment. The people supposed to train you would not give straight answers. The Rick guy was, if I recall, Canadian. The bars there closed early and on Sundays, so tons of Canucks drank in the USA until the law changed in 1987. And lots of Canadians crashed at my place on the beach so they didn’t drive home drunk. If I recall, Rick was one of those guys that, when you show up with two women, he presumed one was for him.]

EAX switching equipment.

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