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Saturday, December 19, 1981

December 19, 1981

           [Author’s note 2017: This is not as bad as it sounds. Back in 81, we often talked in semi-military terms about ordinary business problems. We were not the only ones convinced the system was failing. To this day, I have a “defense” budget to carry this place for an entire year should anything go wrong. These days it is what would be called “common sense”.

           Oh—hungover. How do I do it? Ah, it’s Xmas. Glorioski, RorR showed up at 3:30. Incidentally, Sandy has a boyfriend called Steve. I’d give anything to get my hands on her again. Give me that and the world could go to blazes for a while.
           That was a busy day, but R & I got lots of meeting out of the way. it seems most of my predictions of 1979 on the northern front have unfortunately come true. Therefore, I turn all the record-keeping, but not necessarily the records, over to him. He is a difficult customer. Even more so when it comes to women—he has no scruples. He would sell me to the devil for any woman. What a guy, buys a beautiful car, then uses it like a Volkswagen.
           We did get a lot f ground covered. This recession has hit us also. Things are not up to snuff back at the northern front [Montana]. It seems to me we will have to increase our already burdensome “defense” budget. The fact remains, if I hadn’t the shop here, I would be in sad shape. it is remarkable only in that the average man would have collapsed over what R & I have enduring in the last several months. We decided on some measures, some positive, some tentative, & a few escape routes. Then he pigged out on the salad bar. How can he eat that? It all comes from the same outfit, some joint called Salad King. Their potato salad bears resemblance to PolyFilla.

           [Author’s note 2017: Sandy’s boyfriend mentioned is the one who knocked her up and disappeared. And in a sense, RofR did sell me out for a woman. In 1989 he married Marge, the one who despite the fact we never met, hates my guts. And since, she has not allowed us to continue our business partnership. As more of these records get entered, you’ll see how accurate they turn out to be 30 years later.

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