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Sunday, December 20, 1981

December 20, 1981

           [Author’s note 2017: This day we drove up to Canada, that is where the “Smitty’s” breakfast restaurant was located. It was seven miles closer than the nearest good place from where I lived at the time. RofR has a brother and sister born in Canada.

           Up & atom. Breakfast (protracted) at Smitty’s. Intro to Darcy—who was very talkative. I wish she was with us. Or at least with me. It’s such a pity to see her go to seed with the worst imaginable sort of people. I hear this character sh’es due to marry once with with 3 other guys and got some local girl drunk. Taking advantage of [sorry, I’m not printing the next few sentences], they railroaded her into a “picture taking sequence”, then proceeded to blackmail her. This is hearsay, but doesn’t it spell something quite plainly?

           [Author’s note 2017: this next passage is difficult to read, it is overwritten on the original paper with a black felt marker, possibly written while I was on the boat. This is only what I think it says, because Westham Island is a famous bird sanctuary just across the border, and the Canadian ferryboat system is government subsidized. You ride in luxury for like $1.35. He had just returned from Saudi Arabia, where he was earning $180,000 per year, compared to my $36,000.
           Riding the boats for us was a treat. Where we grew up, the ocean was a thousand miles away. And this was the time when I was still stinging badly from my parents, who promised to put me through university but instead never gave me a penny.

           Anyway, I showed him around Westham Island. Then the treat—a ferryboat ride. But I almost had a heart attack. This whale beside the boat. I’m terrified of fish that are big enough to eat me.

           Also he [RofR] sprung for the whole shot, but agreed it was a bargain. Incidentally, the last two ferries he’s been on were the Staten Island and English Channel. Thanks, mom & dad.
           He asked why I never asked Darcy out, and I had to explain that’s the very reason—because I would have had to ask. And in my training, my upbringing, a gentleman never makes passes at anyone. Now my question—why did she never say to me, “You’re new in town. You must be a bachelor since you come in here. It’s obvious you aren’t like these other men. Why don’t you come for coffee next Sunday or something?”

           [To that question] I answered myself in this way. Because decent, educated, interesting, considerate men are so easy to find, that’s how she can afford to ignore me. She’s too proud and too headstrong [or something], and for that she will suffer greatly. She’s aged 5 years since I’ve first noticed her.

           [Author’s note 2017: this should be interpreted the correct way, that I very rarely ask women out. I never had to ask and never learned how. They usually asked me, which is hard to believe until you see it. My style is to make it easy for them to suggest we do something together. And compared to my brothers and other men, it is at least eight times more effective.
In the end, she married the turkey who did the blackmailing. I guess he was her “bad boy”. And she then disappeared from the scene.

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