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Monday, December 14, 1981

Decemer 14, 1981

           [Author’s note 2017: this is typical of a themed report back then. Looks like I was recording a day that all went wrong. I don’t remember any of these people, though I recognize the names. This could have been the Xmas when Bobby invited me to pair me off with her daughter. The one that was “too young” for me until after she turned 21, a single mother, and a dropout. Then, she was perfect for me, especially now that I had a top-notch job at the company headquarters.]

Paula Abdul, 1981.

           One of those days for me. Just to be miserable, I’ll tell you about it. woke up with sore shoulders, missed my bus. Had to stand 20 min. freezing & when the 602 came, it was packed and I had no seat. Arrived too late for a morning coffee & got stuck running cable all day. Still no word from compo, the take was 20 short for my payment (the business), 4Max got away from custody again. I had to freeze & stand on the way back, the hot water tank quit, and Thrifty’s hemmed my new pants too high. The page I needed was torn from the phone book and if I’m late on a FBDB payment even once, my interest goes up. Pete never got Nancy, my restaurant was closed, Rob wasn’t home when I called and the brunette in the repair walked past & ignored me. I can’t possibly meet all my payments, I back-logged already, there is no chance of a Christmas this year again. I haven’t done my 1980 taxes yet and the car is sputtering & conking out again. There’s also a moldy smell inside it and the baseboard heater in my bedroom is stuck on full blast. Mandy was crabby, Bucklow gave some of my money away, Darcy is gaining weight and my deposit was $30 short. And there’s an SI payment out.
           However, I’m not worried. Life is good, and I phones Bobby. R & I are invited for dinner as they “miss me”. Dave is upset with his job, but he’s still working.

           [Author’s note 2017: aha, parts of it came back as I typed. I was at the phone company, because all new people had to get experience running cable. 4Max was the jerk who bounced our paychecks a few months earllier, I was the only one who got my money, but it was from the state worker’s compensation. Also, at this time I still owned the laundromat, and it was purchased in part on credit which I did not want or need, but part owner was an outfit called the Federal Business Development Bank.
           The business was across the border on the Canadian side, and I commuted across the line every day for several years. To this day, I still have a trace Canadian accent.

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