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Sunday, November 14, 1982
November 14, 1982
November 14 already and I got nothing dome this year. Nothing, not enough time anymore. Having traded shifts with Bruce, I was on days. Guess what happened? This sub (subscriber) calls and says her neighbor has been burglarized, could I have the phone fixed. Sure, I got a repairman (Kris Anders). Goddam, I though the lady meant yesterday or something. When my man got there, blood & guts all over everything. Some goons just walked in off the street & started busing the old lady’s place to pieces.
Anyrate, a quiet day till Bruce arrives—except for the fire at Lumberland. Bruce was rather anxious to describe to me this new dance he really liked. He’d taught it to some bridesmaids and danced it at Romeo & Juliettes. He even gave me an impromptu demonstration, and this is a treat for an uncultured clod like me. Oh, and the thought my haircut was “perfect for me” and I was getting “chic-er” (his word) all the time. Thanks, I think.
[Author’s note: a large paragraph here is deleted where I basically compare Sonja, my date, to the older women at the phone company. Really, there is no comparison, so I’ll spare them the details. The next paragraph is in response to some lady with that ancient Jewish concept that a woman should not ever “surrender” completely to a man.]
In general, I submit the only proper time for a woman to play hard to get is before the first date is accepted. There is very little in this world that is more dishonest than this woman gimmick of pretending compatibility to just short of sex, them demanding outrageous concessions. Remember, by this time a man has invested good effort and is unlikely to walk away. Yep, real meaningful & honest, you dismal broads. Experience says men to do not expect sex from their women are spineless losers. A man who asked a woman out and then proceeds to convince her he is not after sex is either very smart or very dumb. Most men are neither, but admittedly most seem to have time to waste. This explains why a lot of women are infuriated by men who simply refuse to give them opportunities to “play hard to get”. Such women have no other recourse, they are frankly at a loss when this occurs, a sad, sad, telling commentary on their net worth. Remember, reader, I make no judgment as to right or wrong for my opinion, in love the end justifies the means. And what an end my Sonja’s got.
The dance, by the way, was called the Rumba.
[Author’s note 2025: Again, much of these early blogs are easy to take out of context. The age difference implie here is nothing, the problem was that I was dating the younger sister of Reila, who was closer in age to me and dating a loser. A add a reminder that I live just across the border from Canada and most of the staff I worked with were Canadians. It makes like easier that they already know everything.]
Hurricane Nancy.