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Tuesday, November 16, 1982

November 16, 1982

           I got up at 10 after 6 (AM) and took a look around the back yard. At least now that I got a back yard. How do I spend my last day as a young man? For openers, breakfast at Scotties. No, that goon wasn’t Liz’s ex-husband. It is a wet day, constant downpour. I’m trying to plan what I get the family for Xmas. This will be the first year ever I could afford presents, and my partner’s on the other end of the world. I think I’ll get Bobbie that satin tablecloth. I have to mail Dr. Gordon last week’s installment yet. And as long as it’s raining I don’t have to put antifreeze in all the vehicles.

           I think I got the doldrums early this year because I’m getting over them already. (Fantastic logic, huh?) I really want to reflect on a few things this last ten years or so. May things have done a 180, ideas and situation I thought must be immortal are just a few words now, likely lost in here somewhere. I have a few moments, I’m in no rush, so who knows what I'll come up with. Just yesterday I read something from, I believe, the Bible. I issue it as caution to any who criticize, same as the [original] offer. “Oh,that mine adversary had written a book”.

           Some of my conclusions the past ten years are:

           √ If you are not born rich, there is no class mobility in the States for the average person.
           √ The parasite that destroys all nations & empires is welfare.
           √ Education should be free, that it is not [free] is a maneuver of the wealthy.
           √ Taxation is repulsive, in any form, for any cause, there is no substitute for the common sense rule, “Make the user pay.”
           √ Reading the Bible is good, but so is reading period.

           I was going to cover a number of subjects, but here’s [Crazy] Liz now. Saying she was afraid I’d never talk to her again after Sat. Now you figure that one out. She’s being surprisingly brave these days, especially with Scottie glaring around the corner at all of this. Apparently he asked her out for a weekend and she was, of course, shocked. It’s all really make believe. The point is she has begun treating me 100% better since I began ignoring her. Indecisive list is now actually making statements like, “I can’t think of any reason we shouldn’t go out together.”

           So, it looks possible for next Monday. It’s a good thing this wasn’t a business venture. Delays, frustrations, cost overruns, aggravation, inefficiency. And for what, really? She pulled a Dunphie on me, “I can say yes, I can say no. So I’ll say no.”
           In signing off, I would say that there has been a pattern in my life with women. The most enduring relationships I’ve had were with women who left no doubt they were hard to get, but overrode that rule for me. Sex may have value when it is worked for, but can only be special when it is a gift.

           [Author’s note: wow, that was some coverage of the day. Scotties was a cafĂ© where Liz worked. Yes, I was dating Sonja, but it wasn’t permanent thanks to her older sister. Back then I had the option of protecting my supply lines. Liz, well, you’ll get to know Liz in the upcoming years, much to my chagrin. Dunphie, I believe it was Cathy Dunphie, was a loans officer that refused Rusty and I a loan for $1,000 because she could. It taught us not to rely on borrowed money.]

           [Author’s note 2016: The photo is high school fashions from 1982, placed here to liven up the page. Notice how the little lady actually looks like a little lady rather than some tattooed apprentice hooker? Ah, those were the days. I've also changed my view that education should be free, but only in the sense that it should be free for the top 20% of achievers. For the rest, you need some kind of barrier to those who would become academic malingerers.]