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Sunday, November 11, 1984

November 11, 1984

           Day 34. The police came by early and asked me to go to the Captain. [It also turns out Ned appears to have stolen my stereo. So that’s where it went.] Now Ned had a borrowed motorcycle and no gas money anyway. So I wound up giving the man who stole my stereo a ride to the police station.
           They really chewed on the guy. They wrote a document, signed him and me and two witnesses. It gives them until the 15th [to pay everybody for everything he stole]. It's not much time but he's the one who waited so long, it is already 10 days overdue.
           Coming back he says he's so worried that he can't sleep. Too bad, he got himself into the mess 100%.
           Typical Thai plug. “This coffee bean is covered with extracted Khao Shong coffee mixed up with useful vitamins delicious taste try it now”. I seem to catch a power failure of most vacations. Tonight Pa Tong is the target. I had no trouble however, arranging for free drinks. What was the only battery-powered stereo in the unlike, and with batteries.