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Monday, November 12, 1984

November 12, 1984

           Day 35. Now who should lose his motel key but that's another story. All morning on the hot sand trying to convince the peddlers and I didn't want anything and I wasn't interested in arguing why not. What's the use? To them it means come bother you again in a half-hour. It's getting worse as the tourists are arriving. It is a far cry from crowded, still well beyond shouting distance to others on the beach. I doubt the local accommodation could hold enough people to overload in the massive beach.
           There are very few Thai swimmers. Rumor is that most Thai cannot swim, just those raised on the waterfront. I don't know but I agree any of the kids inland would have little opportunity for swim lessons. They still walk miles home after school.
           I called the Indian embassy about a travel visa. No problem with a Canadian passport, but the office hours are restrictive. I have to take the bus back or leave a day early. No fair. I drove Ned to the tourist police again and they got him to sign a legal document to pay. Now he's in one the predicament he set out to avoid. And he admits he ran away after the first day. The Captain asked me if I believed Net. I didn't answer.
           I've seen the lightning! The reason I've been curious so long is the brilliance of the flashes is fantastic. The bolts are equally impressive, the crackle from cloud to cloud mostly. This may explain why they illuminate up to half horizon at a time.