Read four hours.
“The Road Ahead” by Bill Gates.
Rumors & counter rumors. I let the agency know I’m in limbo. Simple. If I gotta be two places at once, I wanna raise. Bob’s surprise b’day party is Friday. He told me himself. At the Church. I can’t find that lost property claim on the net.
[Author’s note 2025: This short not is likely a calendar entry. I have no recollection of anything in Gates' book. Limbo means I was considering leaving the temp agency, but made the fateful decision to stay on, later joining the company. Bob, as far as I know, what the 54 year old electrician who still lived at home. The one who eventually took up with Jamie, the barmaid that used to be a babe. That's the one that was 17 years younger than Bob, but got on my case for dating women 17 years younger than me. Duh. Here's a scan of Gates' book.]