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Thursday, January 18, 2001

January 18, 2001

           Sure enough I’m transferred to 687
           Alfredo and I jammed at Tobacco Road.

           [Author’s note 2023: This may have been the gig Alfredo and I got a $50 tip from a source that waited until Glenn was not looking. It could have been the presursor to the semi-famous "separate tip jar incident not long afterward. Why else did I scan this bill?]

           Surprise, I’m at the Continuum on SOBE. There must have been some fancy footwork at HQ – I didn’t even go back to OT to finish what I started. (That was a dull & dreary place anyhow.
           Later I visited Alaine on SW 19th to pick up the WebTV for Mark-Mark. A helicopter was hovering over the next block. We talked about used furniture. A full day. Alfredo called to say Tobacco Road didn’t do open mics, so he was (unknown word).