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Monday, February 26, 2001

February 26, 2001

           [Author's note 2016-02-26: from a chance find of extremely rate photos in the workshed, here is a shot of the tour bus I described in Venezuela. These are marketed in Europe for six month tours of the continent. Shown here is the parked unit with some of the cooking gear, the day meals are prepared by the staff on the road.
           The evenings are at a pre-arranged set of hotels along the route. The bus would often travel in a convoy to share the equipment, but if one of the buses got lost or delayed, well too bad. And I would not mention it if it was not a problem.
           This photo is dated 1995, but that is a guess. Alas, there was no blog during that stretch, so much is lost. I traveled to no other country in the entire 1990s except Venezuela. Shown here was the one total babe that goes on every tour with her dipstick boyfriend. Loved her; hated him. He was dissatisfied with the tour company and canceled the balance of his trip after two months. Amazingly for South America, he got his money back.]

           A compliment out of the blue. One of the Spanish people at work said he like the way I did things. Such gems (the original word may have said “items”) don’t’ occur in isolation. Plan 81 is back on track and I may have a new prodigy: E.S. McFarlay. He lost $10,000 to his family, I can assure him that won’t happen again.
           I went to Church (Churchill’s Pub) after(ward)—and got offered a spot teaching dance lessons (on) Mondays. I’m thinking. Shhh.

           [Author’s note 2016-02-15: I seem to be saying the workplace was not known for handing out compliments. And I barely recall McFarlay, I think he was the new guy over in computers. Anyway, I was going to teach him how to keep investments a total secret from family, a process I happen to know a lot about.
          Note the reference to Plan 81. This is my long-term retirement investment scheme I devised myself back in 1981. And it is the reason I am living relatively well to this day. It centers on a spreadsheet, for that matter one of the first spreadsheets ever done on such a scale from that year. And that’s the calculation that was only off by what, $1.94 per month over thirty years later.]

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