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Wednesday, February 28, 2001

February 28, 2001

           Wow, interest rates are depressed. [Even] phone company dividends are twice as high. This was not expected, though much could change before April. I met Edmund McFarlay a few days ago—he doesn’t seem to exist on the Internet.
           On the other hand, my bank promptly gave out my personal information to a credit card company.

           [Author’s note 2016-02-16: Another mention of McFarlay, I sort of can picture the guy. He was a computer sort, worked with Paul over in Data Processing. said, although I had never had any credit dealings with them, that they had “a right” to “share” my information, even against my will. So it’s a good thing I never give banks my full true information.
           Remember folks, objecting to a bank doing what it pleases with your information just makes you “one of those”.]

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