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Monday, June 18, 2001

June 18, 2001

           [Author’s note 2023: this curious-sounding entry was about a potential offer of a good promotion—if I would move to Texas. I may have thought it over at the time, but the answer was always no.]

           Something is in the wind. I can’t place it, but I did ask HR for a letter on my performance over the past year. It’s a serried of tiny signals I haven’t strung together yet, but my guess is I’m beed nudged into making the company an offer. Yes, I would revamp some systems & save them a bundle—but it isn’t accounting, it’s administration.
           Inertia, I won’t move until more surfaces, I trying to recall an example that is not trivial. Okay, Andres is quite vocal that he’s learned more about computer from me than the years of trying it on his own. H said he asked Chuck about my working Saturday & teaching him. I said no, it is unproductive to teach the highest paid man to work process and spreadsheet.

           But Andres said Chuck’s concert was not the idea or the money, but concern that I sould not have the time between “study and playing in a band”. Plainly people think I’m busy?
No, see what I mean. There is no direct connection and I’d have to read what I wrote closely to even speculate, and it’s too remote. One this is clear, the fact these ideas are being kicked around places me in a very unusual category of employee at that place. That’s something.

           [Author’s note 2023: Gloss over that which seems indistinct, as notes such at this were taken at work and meant to be elaborated later. In 2001, sometimes I got around to it, sometimes I did not. Miami is a small enough city that many times employees I did not really know would see me on stage. It’s quite a show, because in theory, I’m not the star.
           This day was a nothing-burger all around, but a tornado was announced that hit Lafayetteville, Florida. Never hear of it? The second-most unpopulated area of the state, up near Mayo, which I visited by sidecar around ten years later.
           Another tornado hit a town called Siren, in Wisconsin. Yes, the town had a siren, a tornado warning siren. It was their only siren. And it was not working that day. The following picture has nothing to do with me, it’s here to liven the page. A tourist photo of New Orleans’ French Quarter taken this month in 2001.]