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Thursday, June 7, 2001

June 7, 2001

           Wrapping up this wk’s payroll for the Monday exam. I know I’m not ready. It is hot, over 95°F andy my system is collapsing again as happens near exam time. My bank account overdrawn $85. Missed deadlines, ran out of food. Lost my guidebook & can’t find my resume disk. Tons of unanswered mail Telltale signs of how badly I must let things go as pressure mounts.

           [Author’s note 2023: this is a reminder to myself how tough the accounting courses I was taking were. Much more so than computer material, this was a repeat of a taxation course that became required after I was already in graduate year, a course I would never take otherwise for a simple reason. It was not an accounting course, but a law course.]

           This photo added 2023 to give color. It’s the popular band U2 playing in New York about June, 2001. U2 refers to the form they filled out to collect unemployment and start the band.