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Sunday, August 18, 2002

August 18, 2002

           Now I recall some of these pictures. This is Jaimie’s kitchen. I never understood people who fix up rental properties. Americans rarely rent the same place for long and you lose the investment. I recognized the overhead drinking glass rack at the upper right. Did you know why I moved out of there when it was a bargain at $200 per month? Because Jaimie broke up with Bob on his 56th birthday and began to pick on my younger girlfriends. Asking them their age right in front of me, I mean she got really fixated. Back in 2002 I still dated women in their 20s and that is that. I still would if I could.

           One day I met a gal who was 22 who liked me and we stopped at my bedroom for a quickie. This gal looked a lot younger and Jaimie hit the fucking roof, threatening to call the cops. She did not cool down when we showed her ID. Jaimie had been looking to pick a fight with somebody for a while, so I gave her notice while she was steamed so she would tell me to get out and not have to give a proper month’s notice. It worked.

           Jaimie was able to keep the place a couple months without me but could not find anyone else who’d share. She moved back in with her mother in Homestead and was never seen again. Homestead is 60 miles away.