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Saturday, August 17, 2002

August 17, 2002

           This is a sad story, so skip it of you are like me and don't deal with pet death well. In this case, it was not my pet, which matters some for making a difference. It was really old and she [Jaimie] kept it more out of habit as a pet, often leaving it out on the porch. The cat would not catch mice or rats, which is what she believed all cats do. Anyway, I came home one day and found it ailing. I examined and found her skin had split and I could see dry bones. I half insisted Jaimie take it to the vet, so she took it to a charity place. They told her the cat was that old and it was going to die. She brought it home and set it on the concrete porch, which became ice cold at night. So I brought a cushion home from the Thrift and put it on the chair, shown here. The cat was now dangerous and afraid, but instantly found the cushion. She curled up purring like a kitten overnight and died. I remember because it was a Saturday.