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Wednesday, November 20, 2002

November 20, 2002

           The crew bought me birthday lunch. Deep-dish Chicago pizza. Ernie, Alida, Julie and I went to Pizza Hut on West 36th St. (Doral, FL) What a feast. It's a quiet day for a change. All I read was an analysis of radar wavelengths, dry and technical. The lady was surprised how far were my 90 day trial and went before they hired me. About 450 days over. Ha!
           [Ernie, Alida, and Julie are my co-workers, respectively, the Payables Manager, Office Manager, and payroll clerk. Julie's 26 and a little hottie, but she's like, got a kid. The radar book is called Advanced Weapon Technology, Salamander Books, Harmony, New York. It's by various authors who are plainly convinced that one weapon is “better” than another.]