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Tuesday, December 3, 2002

December 3, 2002

           What's happening today? My guess is Mideast terrorism, a murder suicide somewhere in the country, havoc on the stock market, and throw in a plane crash or two. Maybe I should start reading the news again.
           I stopped to see Monica yesterday, bringing her up on the Project 21 progress report. She still talks Spanish too fast for me, but I take it her business is down to $50 per day gross. That may be good for Project 21, because it makes her more agreeable. Well, me also, finances are at an all-time bottom for me because of the project. And I still need a pickup truck. Miami traffic is too bad to consider a trailer.
           The buzz at work is the Christmas bonuses. I know, the company had a good year, what I don't know is their mechanism for determining the bonus. Several people are shocked to learn I was not a salaried employee. If I was, it would be the lowest salary ever got.
           Let me tell the world again. I do not watch television, or play chess. A guy “with my brains” is not necessarily good at chess. I find it boring, and anyway, the average Canadian 10-year-old can easily beat me in record time.
           I better keep my eyes open, because nothing has gone wrong with the project in several weeks. That means something’s lurking and smoldering. Whoever it is will get Plan B between the eyes.
           [Monica's fine dining. She sets up her stand usually around 58th and Milam Diary in Miami. Depending on how the display cases turn out, I've been looking for a small place where I can test to see the public reaction to viewing these things. I need a small business like a hot dog stand, where it's easier to gauge the effect. She's 36 and still believes in miracles. I cannot stand waiting around for other people to make up their minds.
           The comment about chess is meant as a veiled insult. I'm implying that anyone who spent 10 years in Canada has far more experience than I will ever have in waiting for some one else to move first, and then countering. To me that basically describes a game of chess.
           I'm always on the lookout for danger whenever a project nears completion. Some nobody always appears at the last minute and tries to trip you up. The only difference is, were ready for it. Plan B is actually to pick up the display and rapidly relocating somewhere else with no real notice]