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Monday, January 27, 2003

January 27, 2003

           Here is a west coast social, something that just does not happen in Florida much. That’s Marion and Charlene on the back veranda, with the guys waiting on the barbeque. Charlene was the seamstress that made linings for my boxes, another idea that never flew. I can’t recall whose place this was but those were definitely happier times for us all. I’d place this in 1998.
           I finished reading “20,000 Leagues Under The Sea”. I could never have finished it when [I was] younger. Verne plainly had a background in ichthyology and takes no pains to disguise it. Chances are, if I did try to read it, I would have put it off for this reason alone. I disagree with using Latin to name things, though I propose no other system. At least I know that the 20,000 leagues refers to distance, not depth (as I thought before).

           I’ve thought of other [naming] systems, especially ones which give each member [of a species] a descriptive name, but with strict rules against misleading names like “sea cucumber” (which is an animal). Dogfish and parrotfish I would reject, but clownfish is perfectly acceptable. Then again, I’d also make a law that cities could not give any two roads the same name within 150 miles of each other. [Like “River Road" out west.]
           I’ve returned to my database studies, covering the same ground again. This time I am determined to find out how to automate the tables. I suspect there are three, not two languages. SQL, VBA and some strange OOPS. If I check back later, this is just what I think today. You place objects on the screen and give them OOPS, like “left-mouse-click”, which calls a routine or subroutine in Visual Basic A, which often calls a query written in SQL. Only the comedy team of IBM and Microsoft could serve that up. How’s that old poem go, “I am amazed since things were made, how little has changed in the (computer) trade.”
           I am also aware of the increased costs of living and getting to work since three weeks ago. I’m basically breaking even until I get a studio or one bedroom in the $400 range. Note however the contrast from living outside the USA – I think nothing of spending twice as much in rent here because my {Florida] taxes are a fraction of what they used to be. Anyway, the most I’ve ever paid in rent in a foreign country is $218 per month.