[Author’s note: If you’ve detected a gap in the journal, that is likely from the major trip to California as guests of the Del-Mar County Fair. I’ll see if I can find a picture of the event, where we displayed a million toothpicks and charged people a dollar for a look. Later, yes, here is a couple of fans on top of the very sturdy display, on July 4th, 2003, San Diego, CA.]

[Author's note 2016-05-24: I still have the toothpicks in the original display cases. I have purchased a property in the interior with a work area large enough to consider building a fancier cabinet and again displaying these for money.]

Another list of books, again these were from the library in Hialeah, Florida. Around this time, house prices were soaring, but I held back from the market simply because it was speculation and I hesitate to gamble.
√ "Empires Beseiged", Time Life Books, Inc. New Jersey, 1988
√ "The British Museum Book of Ancient Egypt", Quirke & Spenser (edit.) Thames & Hudson, New York, 1992
√ "The Search for Sunken Treasure", Robert & Jenifer Marc, Key Porter Books, Toronto, 1993
√ "Do It Yourself Housebuilding", Charles D. Neal, Scarborough, 1981
[Author’s note: I was looking at building a place. There was still reasonable land available out in the western swamps--according to advertising. That is misleading. The land there is higher (in both price and elevation) than the Miami area. The problem was the lack of roads to commute and lack of jobs out there. However, I did list some of my findings, as shown below. This applies to housing in general, not just land near Naples.]
Building your own house results in:
√ Savings of 60% on cost of the labor
√ Save 58% by renting special tools
√ Three bedroom houses have highest resale value
√ Lot should have no utility poles or wires
√ Lots under 60 foot frontage reduce privacy, recommended is 150 feet.
√ Two bathrooms minimum, back to back, or one (bathroom) per bedroom
√ Porch adds 20% to house value
√ Need two car garage with workspace
√ Fireplace add 5%, as does wood-burning stove
√ Land and utilities are 30% of cost
√ 20% of self-built homes are paid for cash (only 7% of others)
√ Biggest mistake: overbuilding
√ Typical house is 2,100 square feet, cost is $50 to $70 per square foot
√ Design house so all rooms have only four corners (if possible)
√ Two stories cost less than twice the size of a one storey
√ Keep driveway as short as possible (I dunno about that)
√ Keep plumbing away from exterior walls
√ Use a 3D CAD blueprint if available
√ Insure the building during construction
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